
array vt.1.打扮,裝飾。2.使…列隊,排列。3.提出(陪審...


This, for the most part, modest array of events constitutes what might be called the first period of optics . 以上所說的基本上是各個事件的樸實的列舉,它可謂是光學的第一階段。

In another quarter of an hour the stranger was completely arrayed in a full suit of mr. nathaniel winkle's . 一刻鐘內,陌生人已經用那生聶爾文克爾先生的一套禮服打扮齊全了。

A lectern and platform were set up on the east side, facing an array of seats arranged in a semicircle . 廳的東側設置了主席臺和講臺,面對講臺排列著呈半圓形的一排排座位。

Atoms can join together not only in molecules but also in the endless regular arrays of crystalline solids . 原子不僅能結合成分子,還能結合成無限規則排列的晶態固體。

The determinant of an array which has as a row a linear combination of two or more other rows is zero . 當一個方陣的某一行是另兩行或幾行的線性組合時,其行列式為零。

I had trained my dull memory to treasure up an endless array of soundings and crossing marks . 我還訓練了我那遲鈍的記憶力,使它能記住無數的測水記錄和橫渡標志。

In determining the attenuation for an areal array we must specify the direction of the wave travel . 在測定一種面積組合的壓制性能時,我們必須明確波的傳播方向。

All i fear will succumb before the tremendous array of negative arguments and forces . 我所引以為憂的這一切會在消極論調和消極力量形成的巨大堡壘前面,化成泡影。

A contingent of troops in ceremonial dress representing a colorful array of flags waited for review . 一支代表各軍、兵種,手持彩旗身著禮服的隊伍正在等待檢閱。

One of the incidental functions of the detector array is the averaging or smoothing of these responses . 檢波器組合的一個附帶作用是這些響應的平衡或平穩。

Dartie, who had travelled to newmarket the night before, arrayed himself in spotless checks . 達爾弟頭一天夜里就趕到紐馬開,穿了一身整潔的格子呢衣服。

Trade was restricted by an elaborate array of taxes and prohibitions on imports and exports . 貿易受到一系列精心制定的進出口稅和進出口禁令的限制。

An interconnected array of many such cells will deliver useful amounts of electricity . 若把許許多多這樣的電池連成陣列,就能提供可資利用的電能量。

Have you ever taken any care to make me learn what is to besiege a town, or to set an army in array ? 你曾費過半點心思教我攻城奪地、調兵遣將嗎?

In the present representation this crystal would correspond to a parallel array of helices . 在這種表示法中,晶體應相當于許多螺旋線的平行排列。

Electrode effects, which are always a hindrance when the dipole-dipole array is used . 電極效應在用偶極-偶極排列時是經常遇到的一種干擾因素。

A well-defined array of stable fringes results and the field is spatially coherent . 結果得到一組完全確定的穩定條紋,而光場是空間相干的。

It is usual to resort to two-dimensional arrays in areas of severe noise problems . 在噪音干擾問題嚴重的地區通常求助于二度組合。

It will be the largest and most sensitive radio telescope array in the world . 它將是世界上最大和最靈敏的射電望遠鏡陳列。