
arrangement n.1.整頓,整理;排列,布置,分類。2.〔pl.〕安排...

arrangement committee

Figure 5. 69(a) shows the arrangement of its basic components . 圖569(a)表明它的主要組成部分的位置。

Great men are seldom over scrupulous in the arrangement of their attire . 偉人們很少對于服飾過于拘泥。

Arrangements were very primitive in the house of commons in those days . 那時候,下院的工作條件很差。

Schlieren photography is a very sensitive optical arrangement . 條紋照相術是一種非常靈敏的光學技術。

Will you see to the arrangements for the next committee meeting ? 你來處理下次委員會會議安排,好嗎?

Electrostatics refers to stationary arrangements of electrical charge . 靜電指的是電荷的靜止分布。

My living arrangements were lavish but also a bit erratic . 我的住處布置得很考究,但也有不少毛病。

I have an arrangement with your bank to cash checks here . 我已和貴方銀行商妥,支票可以在此兌現。

Mr. cocks always cut corners in the arrangements that he made . 卡克斯先生所做的安排總是很節儉。

She is in charge of all the arrangements for the royal wedding . 她負責盛大婚禮的全部籌備工作。

There are innumerable variations in the arrangement of blood vessels . 血管的排列有無數的變異。

Though the arrangements is not ideal , we are quite satisfied . 安排雖不算理想,但也相當滿意。

They completely cocked up the arrangements for our holiday . 他們把我們度假的計劃完全搞亂了。

This arrangement yields a wonderful gain to incumbents . 這種安排為在職人員提供了意外的得益。

For many students, this is a congenial arrangement . 對于很多學生來說,這是一種適宜的安排。

I can see that you are tired of the arrangement . 我可以看得出,你已經對這件事情厭煩了。

On the left are the arrangements for the gentlemen's cloaks . 左邊是放男客的外衣的地方。

He had all arrangements completed in record time . 他在最短時間內把一切工作都安排好了。

These arrangements are subject to periodic reviews ... 這幾項安排每隔一定時間須予復查。