
arrange vt.1.整理,整頓;布置。2.商定,商妥。3.準備,安...

A little “farewell ceremony“ was arranged . 安排了一個小型“歡送儀式”。


The entire exercise had been arranged by quartermain . 整個把戲全是夸特梅因一手安排的。

Arrange at the office , please . 請在辦事處接洽。

The meeting has been arranged for tuesday evening ... 這次會議已安排在星期二晚上舉行。

Everything depended on having the table nicely arranged . 一切全靠把餐桌布置得雅致呢。

I have arranged with the neighbors about feeding the cats . 我已和鄰居商量妥喂貓的事。

The books were all neatly in place, carefully arranged . 書都放得整整齊齊,井井有條。

They arranged a rendezvous . 他們約好了會合的地點。

Plenty of refinancings are arranged at short notice . 許多資金都是臨時就可以籌得的。

He had arranged it himself . 事情是他自己一手包辦的。

We had to arrange for yet another round of concessions . 我們必須安排另一系列讓步。

We can arrange a reason for you having to be there . 我可以找一個理由讓你到那里去。

I intended to have arranged them, but i forgot . 我原來倒是想整理一下,可就是忘了。

It had been arranged beforehand . 一切都事先料理好了。

You must arrange these books in alphabetical order . 你要把這些書按字母順序排好。

The matter was arranged privately . 事情已私下作了安排。

There he found everything arranged in due order . 他發現一切都原封不動地在那兒。

We arranged to take the first train for tientsin . 我們準備乘第一趟列車天津去。

Everything was well arranged . 所有的事都鋪排得停停當當。