
arraign vt.1.【法律】傳訊,提審,審問。2.彈劾,責難,控告...

Mr . morse bitterly arraigned the english philosopher s agnosticism , but confessed that he had not read “ first principles “ ; while mr . butler stated that he had no patience with spencer , had never read a line of him , and had managed to get along quite well without him 莫爾斯先生狠狠地責難了這位英國哲學家的不可知論一番,卻承認他并未讀過首要原理巴特勒先生則說他沒有耐心讀斯賓塞。他的書他一個字也沒讀過,而且沒有地照樣過得不錯。


Arraigned at my own bar , memory having given her evidence of the hopes , wishes , sentiments i had been cherishing since last night - of the general state of mind in which i had indulged for nearly a fortnight past ; reason having come forward and told , in her own quiet way , a plain , unvarnished tale , showing how i had rejected the real , and rabidly devoured the ideal ; - i pronounced judgment to this effect : - 我在自己的法庭上受到了傳訊。記憶出來作證,陳述了從昨夜以來我所懷的希望意愿和情感,陳述了過去近兩周我所沉溺的一般思想狀態。理智走到前面,不慌不忙地講了一個樸實無華的故事,揭示了我如何拒絕了現實,狂熱地吞下了理想。

A judge has ordered o . j simpson held without bail after his arrest in connection with what police described as a robbery at a las vegas casino hotel . the district attorney says he expects simpson to be charged with seven felonies and one gross misdemeanor . the former football star will be arraigned wednesday 辛普森由于涉嫌搶劫一家拉斯維加斯賭場旅館而被捕,法官下令其不得保釋.檢查官表示將以七項重罪和一項輕罪起訴辛普森.這位過氣的(用“前”即可)足球明星將在周三上庭受審

Mr . morse bitterly arraigned the english philosopher s agnosticism , but confessed that he had not read “ first principles “ ; while mr . butler stated that he had no patience with spencer , had never read a line of him , and had managed to get along quite well without him 莫爾斯先生狠狠地責難了這位英國哲學家的不可知論一番,卻承認他并未讀過首要原理巴特勒先生則說他沒有耐心讀斯賓塞。他的書他一個字也沒讀過,而且沒有地照樣過得不錯。

Monde , called darnay , was at length arraigned . his judges sat upon the bench in feathered hats ; but the rough red cap and tricoloured cockade was the head - dress otherwise prevailing 他的法官們頭戴飾有羽毛的帽子,坐在審判席上,別的人主要戴的是佩三色徽章的紅色粗質便帽。

The authorities said he was taken to logan regional medical center , after which he was to be arraigned on charges including aggravated robbery and wanton endangerment with a firearm 警方證實他已被送往洛根地區醫療中心,隨后將會因嚴重搶劫罪和濫用武器罪而被傳訊。

A man accused of raping his own daughter and posting videos of the abuse online was arraigned friday , just a day after returning to the united states from hong kong 被控強奸女兒并將錄像放上互聯網的肯尼思?弗里曼于引渡回美國后第二天,即周五被提堂。

Paula meronek was arraigned on a misdemeanor assault charge after police said she bit her boyfriend during a domestic dispute 保拉梅洛內克被法院傳訊,理由是在警官說她與其男友爭吵后咬了他后對警官有不當行為。

Hall likely will be arraigned monday on the two charges , each carrying a 20 to 60 years or life in prison , prosecutors said 檢察官透露,霍爾可能將在星期一因兩個案件被傳喚,一個為20年監禁另一個為60年監禁。

Russell henderson and aaron mckinney are arrested and arraigned on kidnapping , aggravated robbery and attempted first - degree murder charges 羅素?軒得遜和艾朗?麥堅尼被拘留,他們被指控綁架、搶劫和企圖謀殺。

Had it not been for smart footwork by the people who manage its public finances , italy would have been arraigned too 而意大利卻全靠公共財政管理人士耍手腕,才免遭責難。

He will be arraigned next week on charges including cruelty and maltreatment of prisoners 下星期他將會因包括對囚犯實施酷刑和虐待在內的指控被傳訊。

He will be arraigned next week on charges including cruelty and maltreatment of prisoners 下周,他將會因殘忍虐待囚犯等項罪責而被傳訊。

He was arraigned for theft 他因盜竊被傳訊。

Before she can be arraigned . you see 然后才能參加庭審了解了?

Get arraigned , start diggin for change then get back in the game 無時無候(無前無后)心底的愛

Would go near to be arraigned as a pirate in our own 當年的那些水手,幾乎與如今的海盜無異。

When he ' s arraigned in downtown los angeles 我們在明天應該會知道的

In the scopes monkey trial a school teacher was arraigned for teaching evolution . 在斯科普斯案中一位教師由于講授進化論而被控告。