
arquebus n.火繩鉤槍。


To lessen our shame , we did take one prize off them , when a shot from an arquebus blew a hole the size of the eucharist in the chest of their leader , the great charles de bourbon 減少我軍恥辱的是,我們確實干掉了敵軍的大人物,當時一支火繩槍射出子彈,在他們的偉大領袖,波旁的查理胸膛轟出圣杯那么大的傷口。

The arquebus is a very heavy weapon compared with the bow , and tires out soldiers on the march ; their aims grow unsteady after half an hour ' s rapid firing 火繩槍是很笨重的武器,使士兵在行軍途中很容易疲勞,而且他們的射擊精度很不穩定,縱使只經過了半個小時。

The arquebus is a very heavy weapon compared with the bow , and tires out soldiers on the march ; their aims grow unsteady after half an hour ' s rapid firing 火繩槍比弓重的多,很容易造成士兵行軍疲勞。此外也很容易讓他們在半個小時速射后失去準頭。