
arpeggio n.〔意大利語〕 (pl. arpeggios) 【音樂...


The yangqin is capable of producing not only single notes , but also chords and quick arpeggios . it is widely used as both a solo and accompanying instrument , and remains one of the principal instruments in a chinese orchestra 揚琴音域寬闊,除可彈奏簡單的和音外,亦能奏出快速的琶音,效果流暢明快,經常擔任伴奏及獨奏。

Throughout this article i will treat this effect as any other arpeggio pattern . it should not be considered as else 通過這篇文章,我準備像介紹琶音一樣來介紹顫音。因為他不應該被認作是其他的技巧。

Tremolo is not a technique . it is an effect produced when a certain type of arpeggio is employed 顫音不是一種技巧,只是某種的琶音的表現形式。

How do i practice arpeggio ( arp . ) 如何練習琶音?

This goes for all arpeggio exercises : never aim for speed 這是對琶音練習的建議,不要以速度為目標。

He co - owns arpeggio consulting with his wife , sarah 他的成功離不開他的妻子sarah 。

The introduction presents arpeggios on the harp against a string tremolo--an enchanting sonority . 引子,在弦樂的震音上豎琴奏出了琶音,一種迷人的音響。