
arouse vt.1.喚醒。2.喚起,引起。3.鼓勵,激發。短語和例...

This sort of “discovery“ is unlikely to arouse appreciation ! 這種“發現”無疑不會得到贊賞!


In some way he depended upon the excitement he could arouse in her hysterical nature . 從某一方面來說,他需要從她歇斯底里的本性中得到刺激。

It might be a day or even two before the abandoned vehicle aroused suspicion . 當這部被丟棄的汽車引起人們的懷疑時,可能是一兩天以后的事了。

A vast complex of emotions, involving the whole of my personality, would be aroused . 涉及到自己的整個人格時,感情上就會掀起狂波巨瀾。

The attitudes of those people aroused my interest , so i began to study the bible . 那些人的態度激起我的興趣,所以我就開始研讀圣經。

No memorials commemorative of noble deeds arouse enthusiasm and reverence . 沒有紀念豐功偉績的碑碣可使人為之熱血沸騰,肅然起敬。

He was trying to plant the seed of revolt, arouse that placid peasant docility . 他想撒下反叛的種子,喚醒這個安分馴良的農民。

While this letter provoked speculation, it did not arouse any suspicions . 雖然這封信引起了一些揣測,但并沒有引起任何懷疑。

He aroused a force of feeling in her which had not previously been there . 他激起了她內心深處的一種情緒,這是從前所沒有的。

He was a little afraid now of this deep-seated passion he had aroused . 他現在對他所挑起的這種根深蒂固的感情有些兒害怕了。

The forecastle was like an angry hive of bees aroused by some marauder . 前艙里活象是被某種侵入者所激怒的一群狂暴的蜜蜂。

It troubled him, arousing vague feelings of attraction and chivalry . 這使他很不好受,心里隱隱引起一陣傾慕和騎士的熱腸。

The german lines are aroused and furious, return the fire cruelly . 德國人早已嚴陣以待,他們憋足了氣,還擊起來絕不手軟。

Beggars almost sell themselves as human beings to arouse the pity of . 乞丐們幾乎把自己當作人來出賣以喚起過路人的憐憫。

The speech aroused everyone, and reverberated throughout the united states . 這演說激發了每一個人,轟動了全美國。

At times a climate may curb motives; at other times it may arouse them . 有時環境可能壓抑士氣,有時卻能激發士氣。

The litigation aroused enormous interest in scotland in the eighteenth century . 18世紀在蘇格蘭該訴訟案影響很大。

He was so small and frail; he aroused your instincts of protection . 他非常瘦小、脆弱,因而引起人們的惻隱之心。

She forgot her daughter till a touch from jane aroused her . 她忘記了她的女兒,直到簡碰了她一下,她才醒過來。