
arousal n.〔罕、古〕覺醒;激勵,喚起。

This paper begins with the drawbacks of the traditional reading practice , emphasizes on the designing programs and principles of computers . such as “ the discoloring design of characters “ leaping - type “ , “ the hiding design of characters “ leaping - type “ , “ the regulator ' s design of reading speed “ , “ the time - limited automatic page - turning design “ , “ sound - controlling design of characters “ discoloration “ etc . then makes further statements about the advantages of reading practice design with assistance of computer , namely , the arousal of students “ reading interest using fresh reading materials with vital forms ; the efficient controls of reading procedure , the realization of reading individualization , the realization of sounds “ visualization 本文從分析傳統閱讀訓練的缺陷入手,重點介紹計算機“文字躍進式變色的設計” 、 “文字躍進式隱匿的設計” 、 “閱讀速度調節器的設計” 、 “限時自動翻頁的設計” 、 “聲控文字變色的設計”等設計方案及其設計原理,進而闡述計算機輔助閱讀訓練的優勢,即用形式活潑的閱讀材料激發學生的閱讀興趣,有效地控制學生的閱讀過程,實現閱讀的個性化,實現朗讀聲音的可視化。

In short , if we are going to change cognitions , we need to have “ hot cognitions “ and that involves emotional arousal 簡而言之,如果我們要改變認知,我們需要有“熱認知” ,這涉及到情緒激發。


A case - controlled study led by professor david sc hui , head of division of respiratory medicine , and professor gregory cheng , head of division of haematology of the department of medicine and therapeutics , cuhk has shown that osa , through repeated episodes of arousals , may lead to platelet activation 由中大內科及藥物治療學系呼吸科主任許樹昌教授及血液科主任鄭彥銘教授領導的研究發現,睡眠中不斷蘇醒導致血小板異常活躍,后者往往為引致缺血性中風病的原因之一。

It will make the characters of ethnical and local culture eliminated . on the other hand , this tendency stimulates the arousal of the selfconsciousness of ethnical and local culture . the selfconsciousness comes from the recognition , that is the global culture be a combination of kinds of local culture , not a one kind of culture “民族和地區”的概念從來就是與“全球”的概念相伴的,人類文化的全球化趨勢同時也促進了民族性和地區性文化意志的勃興和加強,它們構成了多種文化并存的全球文化體系中的有機組成部分。

Results : female students rated valence and dominant of the positive pictures higher than male students ; female rated valence and dominant of the negative pictures lower than male students ; meanwhile , female students rated arousal of the negative pictures higher than male students 結果:女性對正性圖片的愉悅度、優勢度評分均顯著高于男性;女性對負性圖片的愉悅度、優勢度評分均顯著低于男性,而喚醒度的評分則顯著高于男性;在中性圖片三個維度的的評分上,均不存在明顯的性別差異。

The hibernation of this lemur is strongly dependent on the thermal behaviour of its tree hole : if the hole is poorly insulated , the lemur ' s body temperature fluctuates widely , passively following the ambient temperature ; if well insulated , the body temperature stays fairly constant and the animal undergoes regular spells of arousal 狐猴冬眠完全由居住的樹洞熱行為決定:假如樹洞隔熱不好,狐猴的身體溫度起伏很大,被動地跟隨周圍環境溫度;如果隔熱很好,身體溫度就保持相當穩定而該動物處于有規律的覺醒輪值。

This paper begins with the drawbacks of the traditional reading practice , emphasizes on the designing programs and principles of computers . such as “ the discoloring design of characters “ leaping - type “ , “ the hiding design of characters “ leaping - type “ , “ the regulator ' s design of reading speed “ , “ the time - limited automatic page - turning design “ , “ sound - controlling design of characters “ discoloration “ etc . then makes further statements about the advantages of reading practice design with assistance of computer , namely , the arousal of students “ reading interest using fresh reading materials with vital forms ; the efficient controls of reading procedure , the realization of reading individualization , the realization of sounds “ visualization 本文從分析傳統閱讀訓練的缺陷入手,重點介紹計算機“文字躍進式變色的設計” 、 “文字躍進式隱匿的設計” 、 “閱讀速度調節器的設計” 、 “限時自動翻頁的設計” 、 “聲控文字變色的設計”等設計方案及其設計原理,進而闡述計算機輔助閱讀訓練的優勢,即用形式活潑的閱讀材料激發學生的閱讀興趣,有效地控制學生的閱讀過程,實現閱讀的個性化,實現朗讀聲音的可視化。

Memories in 6 years were written down in several short dairies as a family member of society cells from the pure sensitive record to arousal by comparison and the description of the great freedom in retreat , yang jingsong is thinking on the consummation and the money worship by such a way 幾幅短短的作品日記,記錄了作為社會細胞的家庭成員在6年當中的記憶,從開始純粹的感覺記述,到托物言志的警醒,直至今天對退隱般的大自在的描繪,楊勁松通過這種方式帶來一種他對消費主義的反醒和對過分物質欲望的警惕。

Two recent studies in europe have shown that patients with osa and stroke have much lower survival rates compared to those with stroke alone . researchers at cuhk have further examined the mechanisms of stroke and found that they are likely related to repetitive surges of sympathetic nerve activity during osa - related arousals 中大研究人員進一步研究睡眠窒息癥與心血管病的發病原因,指出中風可能是由于睡眠窒息導致病人不斷蘇醒,交感神經持續偏高,增加血小板的活躍度,并形成血栓。

The results showed , 1 . there are 17 strategies in adolescent coping with stress , i . e . , involuntary and impulsive action , problem solving , seeking social support , humor , wishful thinking , denial , self - blame , distraction , avoidance / numbing , tolerance / acceptance , keep calmness , suppression , self - relaxing , recognition , intrusive thoughts , emotional puzzle , physiologic arousal . 2 結果發現: 1 、當前青少年壓力應對主要有17種方式:非自主與沖動行為、問題解決與行動、尋求社會支持、幽默、幻想、否認、自責、分心、回避麻木、容忍接受、保持平靜、壓抑、自我放松、認知重建、侵入性思想、情緒困擾、生理喚起。

Osa is characterized by repetitive episodes of upper airway obstruction during sleep resulting in lack of oxygen , sleep fragmentation , and frequent arousals . the major consequences of osa include excessive daytime sleepiness , cognitive function deficits , impaired psychosocial well - being , reduced driving competence , and high blood pressure . it is common among middle - aged chinese in hong kong with a minimum prevalence of 4 % 阻塞性睡眠窒息癥的患者睡眠期間,上呼吸道持續不斷阻塞,導致缺氧、睡眠零碎及經常蘇醒,所造成的后果包括日間渴睡、認知功能出現問題、精神健康受損、駕駛能力下降及高血壓等,此病在中年華裔男士中很常見,發病率亦不少于4 % 。

Introduced professor zhou xinyou ' s experience on treating coronary heart disease from pathogeny and pathogenesis , syndrome differentiation groups , pathological analysis , therapeutic principle and so on , to expect to provide arousal and guide for treating coronary heart disaese 摘要從病因病機、辨證分型與病理分析、治則等方面介紹了周信有教授辨治冠心病的經驗,以期對臨床治療冠心病有所啟發和指導。

For instance , one set of manikins represented arousal reactions , ranging from disinterested to excited . the more seductive the model , the more it left the women bored and uninterested , according to lead author robyn goodman 比如,一組人體模型代表從“不感興趣”至“興奮”的各種喚起反應,研究報告主要撰寫人羅賓古德曼說,越是挑逗的女模特,越讓女性厭煩和不感興趣。

Objective : elevated glucocorticoid levels impair retrieval of emotional information , and animal studies indicate that this effect depends on concurrent emotional arousal - induced increases in noradrenergic transmission within the brain 目的糖皮質激素水平升高損害了情感性信息的重現,動物研究表明這種作用依賴于腦內去甲腎上腺素能遞質傳輸情緒的喚醒-誘導同時增加。

Those who played the nonviolent games showed activation in the portions of the brain associated with inhibition , concentration , and self - control and less activity in areas connected with emotional arousal , the study revealed 研究顯示,玩非暴力游戲的孩子在與抑制力、注意力和自我控制力相關的大腦區域更加活躍,而在與情緒激發相關的區域活動大腦活動較少。

With advancing age , there is decreased sensitivity for physiological arousal , for example , longer time or stronger stimulation are required for penis erection , and the time of maintaining erection may be shortened 隨著年齡增長,男性對身體上的敏感程度會較年輕時為低:例如陰莖要較長時間才可勃起、維持勃起時間亦會較短等。

Depressed patients are continually in a state of arousal and , as they discuss troubling topics during the session , their arousal becomes greater and that then provides a strong base for cognitive restructuring 抑郁病人持續在激發狀態中,當他們在治療過程中討論煩惱的話題時,他們的激發變得更強,然后為認知重建提供堅實的基礎。

Adolescents who play violent video games show differences in brain activity from those playing nonviolent games . the differences were associated with emotional arousal and self - control , medical researchers reported 玩暴力視頻游戲的未成年人大腦活動與玩非暴力游戲的孩子表現不同。研究人員們稱該差異與情緒激發和自我控制有關。

With advancing age , there is decreased sensitivity for physiological arousal , for example , longer time or stronger stimulation are required for penis erection , and the time of maintaining erection may be shortened 隨著年增長,男性對身體上的敏感程度會較年輕時為低:例如陰莖要較長時間才可勃起維持勃起時間亦會較短等。