
around adv.1.周圍,四面。2.〔美口〕各處,四處。3.左近...

“you haven't been around much, have you? “ “你沒見過多大世面,對不?”


“you haven't been around much, have you? “ “你沒見過多大世面,對不?”

His wife leads him around by the nose . 他的老婆牽著他的鼻子走。

There's something flicking around my toes . 有什么東西老在叮我的腳指頭。

All around the village are vegetable fields . 村子四圍都是菜地。

Now, bob, there's no use kidding around . 你瞧,鮑勃,胡鬧不解決問題吧。

Water was slopping around in the bottom of the boat . 水在船底四周蕩漾。

Well, i hadn't been around lately . 唔,近來我的確沒有四處走動。

They swarm and swoon around him . 他們圍著他團團轉,百般勾引他。

I am sick of waiting around like this . 我膩煩像這樣在一旁等著。

The way to save is only around the corner . 君欲儲蓄,近在咫尺。

He showed no interest in the world around him . 他對周圍的世界不感興趣。

Turn around ! you 're going the wrong way . 轉回來,你走錯路了!

He vented his spleen on everybody around . 他對周圍每一個人都大發脾氣。

Darkness and silence ruled everywhere around . 昏暗和寂靜,統治了四周。

The bumpy car ride shook us around a bit . 汽車把我們顛得有些搖搖晃晃。

I have been carting these cases around all day . 我整天都提著這些箱子。

You have 15 minutes to look around . 你有15分鐘的時間到周圍看看。

He keeps running around in circles every day . 他整天忙得團團轉。