
aroma n.1.芳香,香味。2.氣派,風格,風味。短語和例子a ...

Dining room article f - the aroma is beautiful series “ big easy 飯廳篇f -色香味美入佳境“大容易

“that's a slight exaggeration,“ bozey said, rubbing garlic on the salad bowl, and filling the close, warm flat with the pungent aroma . “那多少有點夸張了。”波茨說著,往沙拉碗里擦蒜,于是暖洋洋的小房間里頓時充滿了一股刺鼻的蒜味。


There is an aroma suggestive of spring flowers in the room 這房間里有一種香氣,使人想起春天的花朵。

It has a very juicy flesh and a distinctive aroma when ripe 熟時,果肉富含汁液,有一種特殊的香味。

The tea has sweet taste and lingering rose aroma 由于其外觀金玉交錯般富麗堂皇,故名“金玉滿堂” 。

The produced liquor has strong aroma and belongs to health wine 所生產白酒酒味濃香,屬于保健酒。

Isolate and synthetic aroma chemicals . determination of ester content 單離及合成香料含酯量的測定

The house is filled with the aroma from the food made by mother 屋子里彌漫著媽媽所做飯菜的香味。

That ' s the sweet aroma of money , glamour 是錢的芬芳,太迷人了

Dining room article f - the aroma is beautiful series “ big easy 飯廳篇f -色香味美入佳境“大容易

Egg noodles should feature the aroma of egg 面講求蛋香,魚面

Bouquet : this wine delivers complete aroma from different fruit 氣味:散發著多種果香的酒味。

Effect of priming leaf on strawberry fruit aroma components 草莓摘葉處理對果實芳香物質的影響

This term refers to the aroma and bouquet of a beer 對于啤酒的芳香和味蕾的表達詞匯是什么?

I think chinese food is perfect in colour , aroma and taste 斯:我覺得中國菜真是色香味俱佳。

Yirgacheffe has a potent flowerlike aroma 耶加雪啡具有明顯的花香。

Well , ladies and gentlemen , that aroma enriching the breeze 女士們,先生們,香氣在空中四溢

Aroma is a sensation which is difficult to separate from flavor 芳香感覺很難與口味分開。

Aromas cafe restaurant provides exotic vegetarian cuisine Aromas西餐廳供應異國風味的素餐