
arne n.阿恩〔姓氏,男子名〕。

A way that ' s not good for the choir ? “ - arne , daniel ' s asked us to be open 無益于這個唱詩班? -阿恩,丹尼爾讓我們敞開心扉的


Look out for an exclusive interview with john arne riise on thursday as we continue our build - up to athens 周四會有約翰.里瑟的獨家訪談,我們會繼續“進軍雅典”系列采訪。

Chelsea boss jose mourinho is considering a bid for liverpool defender john arne riise 切爾西的主教練穆里尼奧正在考慮他的下一個引援目標,利物浦的防守球員里瑟。

From the rebound , arne friedrich blazed over , and another glorious chance had passed the hosts by 弗里德里希把彈出的球再次回傳,但東道主錯過了這個很好的機會。

Calm down arne 冷靜點阿恩

John arne riise played a full 90 minutes for norway in their 1 - 1 draw with brazil 里瑟在挪威1比1戰平巴西的比賽中打滿了90分鐘。

- a way that ' s not good for the choir ? ' ' - arne , daniel ' s asked us to be open -無益于這個唱詩班? -阿恩,丹尼爾讓我們敞開心扉的

A way that ' s not good for the choir ? “ - arne , daniel ' s asked us to be open 無益于這個唱詩班? -阿恩,丹尼爾讓我們敞開心扉的

Arne is so dedicated 阿恩他太專注了

You never quit , arne 你說個不停,阿恩

With arne he climbed into an ancient , wheezing model - t utility truck 他和阿納爬上了一輛舊的呼哧呼哧直響的t型通用貨車。

- arne does have a point , lena . - god damn it siv ! are you starting ? -阿恩并沒有說錯,蓮娜. -去你的,席芙!你想說什么?

Arne here . yes . yes yes 這是阿恩,是,是

Arne here . yes . yes ? ? yes 這是阿恩,是,是

John arne riise liverpool 9 懷斯利物浦9

Arne does have a point , lena . - god damn it siv ! are you starting ? 阿恩并沒有說錯,蓮娜. -去你的,席芙!你想說什么?

You never quit , arne ? 你說個不停,阿恩. .

Arne naess on deep ecology 奈斯論深層生態學

- haven ' t you gotten over your doctor ? - you ' re out of your mind , arne -你還沒忘記那個醫生嗎? -你是個瘋子,阿恩!