
army n.1.陸軍;軍隊。2.軍;集團軍;兵團;野戰軍。3.大...

army act

I didn't know there was army land hereabouts . 我一點也不知道這附近有軍隊駐扎。

I was never meant for the army . 我根本就不是當兵的材料。

The army was in retreat to the west . 部隊正在向西后退。

The two armies clashed outside the town . 兩軍在城外交鋒。

What was the strength of the red army ? 紅軍的兵力有多少?

The army knifed into the town . 軍隊像尖刀一般插入那城鎮。

He was the commander of a vast shadowy army . 他成了一支龐大的隱蔽的軍隊司令。

Most countries have armies for their defence . 大多數國家都有保衛國家的軍隊。

His members in eighth army was very colorful . 他的第八軍團組成分子非常復雜。

The armies joined battle at dawn . 這些軍隊黎明時開始交戰。

Armies fought badly; he sent them reinforcement . 軍隊打仗失利,他派去援兵。

Here the two armies divided . 這兩方面軍在這里又分道揚鑣了。

He fled his native village to join the red army . 他當年逃離家鄉去參加紅軍。

He is returning to his army station . 他正準備回軍隊的駐地。

The two armies were fiercely engaged for several hours . 兩軍激戰達數小時。

The army began its task of tracking down rebel units . 部隊開始追剿叛亂者。

He interrupted college to serve in the army . 他中斷大學的學業到軍隊服役。

Do you miss your comrades in the army ? 你想念你軍中的同志嗎?

The people 's army put all to rout wherever they went . 人民軍隊所向披靡。