
armpit 腋窩。

Undead female - “ you don ' t need any deodorant when you don ' t have any armpits . 當你沒有腋窩的時候,就用不著出臭劑了。

Put electric wires on their armpits , fingers , toes , and dicks 把電線放在他們腋下手指腳趾和“小弟弟


Oh , man . this room is an absolute armpit ! whens the last time you cleaned this place 唉呀!老兄!這個房間臟得是臟的不象話。你上回打掃房子是什么時候哇

Oh , man . this room is an absolute armpit ! when ‘ s the last time you cleaned this place 唉呀!老兄!這個房間真是臟得不像話。你上回打掃房子是什麼時候哇

The suspect sustained one gunshot wound on the left side of his neck and one on his right armpit 疑匪的頸部左邊及右邊腋下的位置各有一處槍傷。

Oh , man . this room is an absolute armpit ! when ' s the last time you cleaned this place 唉呀!這個房間真是臟得不像話。你上次打掃是什么時候

Clinical observing about armpit vice - mammany gland resected and armpit shaping resecting 180 cases 腋窩副乳腺切除腋窩成形術180例臨床觀察

It ' s armpit 我是胳肢窩

Hours later and camacho ' s back - he of the sweaty armpits and parabolic gestures 幾小時后卡馬喬回來了,帶著他多汗的腋下和拋物線姿勢。

Your armpit is one of the smelliest , if not the most smelly , parts of your body 腋窩是身體最臭的部位之一,假如不是最臭的部位的話。

Just put this thermometer under your armpit and i ' ll see if you have get a temperature 把這個體溫表放在腋下,我看你是不是發燒。

Armpits oniony sweat 融化了。

Just put this thermometer under your armpit and i ' ll see if you had got a temperature 把這個體溫表放在腋下,我看你是不是發燒。

Those gray bastards would have had you for lunch back in armpit , kentucky 那些灰色混蛋早就在你肯塔基的家里,把你當午餐吃掉了

Man , it ' s armpit 嗨,我是腋窩。

Pap posterior armpit point 腋窩后點

A body part analogous to the armpit , such as the hollow under a bird ' s wing 腋部類似于腋窩的身體部位,比如鳥翅下面的空隙

Develop swollen or tender lymph nodes , especially in the neck , groin , or armpit 頸部、腹股溝或腋下的淋巴結腫大或疼痛。

Undead female - “ you don ' t need any deodorant when you don ' t have any armpits . 當你沒有腋窩的時候,就用不著出臭劑了。