
armoury 短語和例子armo(u)ryn.1.軍械庫。2.〔美國〕...

How powerful dna microarrays or “ biochips - are being used in the uk to expose the full armoury employed by food - poisoning bacteria 神奇的dna微陣列或叫做“生物芯片”在英國是如何被用于檢測來自于食物的有毒細菌的。


Advances in using stem cells will likely make it possible to grow tissue for a variety of organs ; robotic technology will provide artificial limbs of amazing dexterity ; leaps in nanotechnology will open the way for microscopic machines to fix the body from within , and the steady pace of drug development will add hundreds , perhaps thousands , of new treatments to the medical profession ' s chemical armoury 干細胞的使用將可能發展到用它培植多種人體器官組織;機器人技術將用于制造出異常靈活的假肢;微觀技術的飛躍將可以用納米微器械進入人體對人體進行治療,而藥物開發研制的穩定發展將增加數百,或許數千種新的特效藥物。

Unfettered sci - fi wire - fu meets a script by wong kar - wai , exploding into a messy , luscious comedy - action - romance - fantasy that is no - holds - barred in its inventiveness . then there s corey yuen s choreography , summoning an armoury of exploding daggers , killer yo - yos and wobbly swords as the heroes and villains flutter about . essentially , it s a classic revenge plot spiced with a love triangle and peculiar characters 其視覺招數奇多,窒息子彈、炮彈飛刀、恐怖天使都極具創意,銀狐被困鏡中已成動作概念經典設計,劉德華使新式柳葉劍也出奇瀟灑,梅艷芳一人分飾兩姊妹,見劉德華一刻為她動情,一刻就當她不是女人般奚落,盡是過癮。

Tour include - all meals are included include admissions to grand circus of moscow , royal ballet , russian folk dance show , kontiki museum tsar s treasury - the armoury museum , tivoli park and many more . . . travel by air for long distance destinations to save more travel time on train or bus overnight onboard luxurious silja line and dfds scandinavian line cruises with sea - side cabins 節目安排豐富:克里姆林宮沙皇寶藏博物館皇家鉆石館莫斯科大馬戲團隱士盧博物館沙皇夏宮蘇俄芭蕾舞俄羅斯民族舞蹈華沙戰艦偉蘭雕刻公園維京船博物館kontiki博物館大峽灣蒂弗利花園游樂場丹麥舊皇宮,免除另行購買節目之額外花費。

Subsequently in 1925 , the two - storey stable block was constructed at the north - west end of the parade ground and later used as an armoury . the police station together with the former central magistracy and victoria prison form a group of historical architecture representing law and order in hong kong 其后,警署逐漸擴建。面對荷李活道的四層高大樓則于一九一九年加建,一九二五年,在廣場的西北端又增建另一所兩層高樓房,作為軍械倉庫。

However , now that china has become a member of the wto , the questions as to whether financial policies can still be applied as part of the armoury to encourage exports , and if so how , should still be the subjects of debate and research , at both the theoretical and practical levels 但是,中國加入wto之后是否可以繼續運用以及如何運用財政性促進政策支持出口發展,在理論上存在論爭,實踐上則還有待進一步的研究探索。

This will be added to the accumulated surplus of the exchange fund , boosting it to hk 384 . 9 billion and boosting further hong kongs armoury for ensuring monetary and financial stability 這筆盈利將撥入外匯基金的累計盈馀內,使累計盈馀增至3 , 849億港元,并可進一步增強香港在確保貨幣及金融穩定方面的實力。

What is important is that , in the light of changing circumstances , we should ensure that we have the necessary armoury to deal with shocks in our monetary and financial systems in the best way we can 重要的是面對不斷轉變的環境,我們應確保有足夠裝備,用最合適的方法應付貨幣及金融體系所受到的沖擊。

The lord hath opened his armoury , and hath brought forth the weapons of his indignation : for this is the work of the lord god of hosts in the land of the chaldeans 耶50 : 25耶和華已經開了武庫、拿出他惱恨的兵器因為主萬軍之耶和華、在迦勒底人之地有當作的事。

A low initial price strategy also has the benefit of discouraging actual and potential competition and is consequently an important protective element in the firm ? s armoury 初期定低價策略也有益于降低實際和潛在的競爭,進而也是保護公司的重要因素。

And next to him repaired ezer the son of jeshua , the ruler of mizpah , another piece over against the going up to the armoury at the turning of the wall 19其次是管理米斯巴,耶書亞的兒子以謝修造一段,對著武庫的上坡,城墻轉彎之處。

The soldiers swords are sharpened there , said mr . lorry . the place is national property now , and used as a kind of armoury , my love 士兵也在這兒磨刀, ”羅瑞先生說, “這地方現在是國家財產,是當作武庫之類的東西用的,親愛的。 ”

The build - up of official foreign reserves is not necessarily a good thing , despite the comfort of having more ammunition in the monetary armoury 盡管外匯儲備增加等于貨幣體系有了更強的防御裝備,但儲備不斷累積不一定是好事。

How powerful dna microarrays or “ biochips - are being used in the uk to expose the full armoury employed by food - poisoning bacteria 神奇的dna微陣列或叫做“生物芯片”在英國是如何被用于檢測來自于食物的有毒細菌的。

In 1925 , the stable block , another two - storey structure , was constructed at the north - west corner of the compound for use as an armoury 一九二五年,綜合大樓廣?的西北方亦加建了一座兩層高的建筑物,用作槍械庫。

Better labelling has become an important weapon of the food giants ' armoury as they fight back against their critics 在食品業巨頭們回擊批評意見的過程中,更好的標注方式已經成為他們“武器庫”中的一個“殺手锏” 。

It was always felt by the chelsea management that however tired he might be , lampard had the armoury and ability to open up opposition 切爾西教練組總是覺得,不論蘭帕德有多累,他總是有辦法有能力攻破對方。

Jay hinton and his team are now using the technique to expose the full armoury of foodborne disease agents such as salmonella 杰伊欣頓和他的研究團隊目前就正在利用該技術檢測沙門氏菌這類食源性疾病因子。

The buildings to the left of the main entrance were originally officers quarters , messing facilities and contained the armoury 在正門入口處左方的建筑物,原本為警官宿舍及餐廳,亦設有槍械庫。