
armourer 短語和例子armo(u)rern.1.(從前的)盔甲,兵...


At about the centre of the oaken panels , that lined the hall , was suspended a suit of mail , not , like the pictures , an ancestral relic , but of the most modern date ; for it had been manufactured by a skilful armourer in london , the same year in which governor bellingham came over to new england . there was a steel headpiece , a cuirass , a gorget , and greaves , with a pair of gauntlets and a sword hanging beneath ; all , and especially the helmet and breastplate , so highly burnished as to glow with white radiance , and scatter an illumination everywhere about upon the floor 大廳四周全都鑲嵌著橡木護墻板,正中位置上懸接著一副甲胄,那可不象畫中的那種遺物,面是當時的最新制品因為那是在貝靈漢總督跨海來到新英格蘭那一年,由倫敦的一位技術熟練的工匠打造的,包括一具頭盔一面護胸一個頸套一對護腔一副臂銷和吊在下面的一把長劍。

It almost certainly pays more attention to the ideological and tactical advice it receives from iran , its chief armourer and mentor 但真主黨游擊隊并不聽從黎巴嫩政府指揮,而更多地是聽命于伊朗?它主要的軍備供應商和顧問?從意識形態和戰略戰術上的建議。

It almost certainly pays more attention to the ideological and tactical advice it receives from iran , its chief armourer and mentor 但真主黨游擊隊并不聽從黎巴嫩政府指揮,而更多地是聽命于伊朗?其主要軍備供應商和后臺?從意識形態和戰略戰術上的指導。

It almost certainly pays more attention to the ideological and tactical advice it receives from iran , its chief armourer and mentor 它更傾向于受伊朗的意識形態的影響,及接受其戰術上的指導,畢竟伊朗現在是真主黨的主要武器供應者及戰略指導者。