
armour n.1.甲胄,盔甲。2.鎧板;裝甲用鋼板。3.(動植物的...

But he replied, “the front is broken near sedan; they are pouring through in great numbers with tanks and armoured cars“ or words to that effect . 可是他回答說:“在色當附近戰線被突破了,他們的坦克和裝甲車大批地涌了進來。”他的話大意如此。

armour plate

Don ' t tell me that qing cotton armour is in overseas museum 不要告訴我那套清棉甲是在國外的博物館里面

Defender : he forged the armour , he can die wearing it 守衛者:他自己鍛造了死亡之甲,也會穿著它死去。

He is a prince in a shining armour 全身盔甲燦爛光輝的王子

Domino : locus fender was brought in to drive the armoured car , 盧卡斯范德也是劫犯之一并駕駛裝甲貨車

Generic specification for intercommunication system of armoured vehicle 裝甲車輛內部通話系統通用規范

Placing rock armour near ka loon tsuen 于近嘉村海邊鋪設巖石

The area hospital to sha he is checked , he is 3 armour hospital 到沙河的區醫院檢查,他是三甲醫院!

Allocation of the lines to the pipe diameters of steel armoured conduits 對鋼制鎧裝管直徑的導線分配

Armour - plate can fend back bullets 裝甲鋼板可以擋住子彈。

Unfurl the banners , put on your armour . let the fighting commence 展開旗幟,穿上戰甲,開始戰斗。

Ban chao , riding a armoured horse , flashed by , with hoary head and old face 班超鐵騎閃過,皓首蒼顏

Power cable with flat steel wire armouring 扁鋼絲鎧裝電力電纜

Steel wire armoured high pressure rubber hose 鋼絲編織高壓膠管

Explosion - proof armoured thermocouple 隔爆鎧裝熱電偶防爆合格證

Their attack was also supported by tanks and armoured cars 他們的進攻還得到坦克和裝甲車的支援。

Embroidered grand armour and martial flag 白地繡金線大靠連帥旗

Instrinsic safety type armoured thermocouple or thermal resistance 本安型鎧裝熱電偶阻防爆合格證

Armoured spark plugs for piston engines 活塞發動機用鎧裝火花塞