
armory n.〔美國〕 = armoury.

“ not out of my armory , for at terracina i was plundered even of my hunting - knife . “ i shared the same fate at aquapendente . “我的武器庫里可沒有,因為在特拉契納的時候,連我那把獵刀都給人偷去了。 ”


Upon arrival began the panoramic city sightseeing takes us to the banks of the moskva , to the kremlin . walk past the enormous tzar bell and cannon , the palace of congress , and offices of state to arrive in historic cathedral square . this includes a visit to the great armory museum and the tzar diamond section 早晨飛往莫斯科后,專車游覽:克里姆林宮世界最大的巨炮世界第一的沙皇大鐘,著名的沙皇寶藏博物館內,展示歷代沙皇的珠寶鑾馬車及皇室稀世珍藏,另外參觀皇家鉆石館;所藏鉆石飾品世界第一,兩館皆屬世界級寶藏,非看不可,否則過門不入,徒增遺憾。

And hezekiah listened to them and showed them all his treasury , the silver and the gold , and the spices and the fine oil , and his armory and everything which was found among his treasures ; there was nothing in his house or in all his dominion that hezekiah did not show them 13希西家聽從使者的話,就把他整個寶庫,銀子、金子、香料、和貴重的膏油,以及他的軍器庫,并他所珍藏的一切,都給他們看;他家中和他所管治的全境之內,希西家沒有一樣不給他們看的。

Advanced technology , and powerful equipment , and scientific management . because of smooth goad leather , leather produce company is sang high praise of by general logistics department of china people s liberation army , regarding as military materials enterprise by 3052 armory 公司以“誠信創新”為宗旨,以“互利互惠共同發展”為原則,本著“一切以客戶需求為中心”的服務理念,重質量,守信譽,承接各種加工,訂做業務。

The content covers the spanish and european cavalry ' s ideal , the royal armory of madrid , art and style during the renaissance , hunting as a pastime and military training , weaponry and diplomacy and the development of the baroque period to the contemporary age 內容涵蓋西班牙及歐洲騎士理念,皇家武士風采,文藝復興時期藝術與風格,作為閑暇和軍事訓練的狩獵活動,武器制造和外交,巴洛克時期到當代的審美發展等。

1 but most important in the modern movements in the united states was the sensational armory show of 1913 in new york , in which the works of many of the leading european artists were seen along with the works of a number of progressive american painters 1913年的紐約武器展覽是美國歷史上最為轟轟烈烈、激動人心的一次運動,這次這次展覽匯聚了許多歐洲一流的藝術大師和激進的美國畫家的作品。

Tim pawlenty authorized workers to open a national guard armory in albert lea for travelers after gusts created whiteout conditions and the state patrol reported more than 600 cars that had crashed or slid off roads on saturday and sunday 上周一上午,在明尼阿波利斯-圣保羅都會區,僅國家巡邏人員回應到80多個,涉及車禍的車輛損壞,被擊斃的史密斯,一個主要與巡邏。

As an important event of the year of spain in china , the exhibition , entitled art and chivalry in spain , brings to asia for the first time this masterpiece collection from the royal armory museum in madrid 這個展覽的題目為西班牙的藝術和騎士文化,作為中國西班牙年的重要項目,西班牙馬德里皇家兵器博物館首次將它珍藏的武器和盔甲精品帶來亞洲展示。

This unit is composed of social outcasts and criminals under death sentences and their mission is to behead kim il - sung . they survive the most hellish inhumane training in silmido and are reborn as human armories 經過三年的艱苦訓練后,隊員由一盤散沙變成同心為國的死士,部隊每一個成員都認為他們將會刺殺北韓元首,為國出力。

Thanks to the enthusiastic hobby of the spanish kings in preserving the objects and adding their private collection to the trove , that the museum is listed among leading armory museums around the world 西班牙國王的與此有關收藏愛好以及他們為這個寶藏添加的個人珍藏,使得馬德里皇家兵器博物館在世界兵器博物館中處于領先位置。

Hezekiah received the messengers and showed them all that was in his storehouses - the silver , the gold , the spices and the fine oil - his armory and everything found among his treasures 希西家聽從16使者的話,就把他寶庫的17金子、銀子、香料、貴重的膏油,和他武庫的一切軍器,并他所有的財寶,都給他們看。

That night , although the homeless at the armory shelter greatly appreciated their gifts , we received much more than they did , as we experienced first - hand that it is better to give than to receive 當晚,這些游民對收到的禮物滿懷謝意,但我們的收獲卻比他們更豐碩,因為我們實地體會到施比受更有福!

They leaned against the iron railing which protects the walls of the ninth regiment armory , which fronts upon that section of fifteenth street , having come early in order to be first in 他們早早就來了,想先進去。這時他們都靠在第九團軍械庫圍墻外的鐵欄桿上,這地方面對著十五街的那一段。

Madrid ' s royal armory museum boasts collections of mediaeval weapons , artifacts of war for the kings of spain and other member of the royal family since the 13th century 馬德里皇家兵器博物館擁有珍貴收藏,包括13世紀以來中世紀西班牙國王及王室成員使用過的武器和兵器。

Within four weeks , japan ' s imperial armory in tokyo had produced 30 perfect replicas of the bindings and delivered them to the country ' s first ski - infantry division 在4周里,日本的天皇部隊就在東京做了30個完美的復制品,并迅速發放給他們的國家的第一支雪地步兵師。

Jehovah has opened his armory and has brought out the weapons of his wrath , for this is the work of the lord jehovah of hosts against the land of the chaldeans 25耶和華已經開了武庫,拿出?惱恨的兵器,因為這是主萬軍之耶和華的工作,要攻擊迦勒底人之地。

Githyanki are an ancient line of humanlike beings who reside in the astral plane , filling their armories for their next skirmish , raid , or war 吉斯洋基人是居住在星界位面的類人生物的一個古老分支,他們總是擴充其軍備準備著下一次沖突、奇襲或是戰爭。

With stannis in the king ' s tower and the lord commander ' s tower burned to a shell , jon had established himself in donal noye ' s modest rooms behind the armory 既然史坦尼斯占了國王塔,司令塔又燒毀了,瓊恩只好住在軍械庫后唐納諾伊的小屋子里。

[ niv ] next to him , ezer son of jeshua , ruler of mizpah , repaired another section , from a point facing the ascent to the armory as far as the angle 19 [和合]其次是管理米斯巴,耶書亞的兒子以謝修造一段,對著武庫的上坡,城墻轉28彎之處。