
armorial adj.紋章的,盾徽的。n.紋章集。

“ really , m . de blacas , i must change your armorial bearings ; i will give you an eagle with outstretched wings , holding in its claws a prey which tries in vain to escape , and bearing this device - tenax . 我讓你猜一謎,有一只展開雙翅的老鷹,它的腳爪抓住了一只獵物,這個獵物想逃跑,但又逃不了,它的名字就叫做拉丁文:固執。 ”

armorial bearings

Mrs bellingham he addressed me in several handwritings with fulsome compliments as a venus in furs and alleged profound pity for my frostbound coachman balmer while in the same breath he expressed himself as envious of his earflaps and fleecy sheepskins and of his fortunate proximity to my person , when standing behind my chair wearing my livery and the armorial bearings of the bellingham escutcheon garnished sable , a buck s head couped or 這家伙用種種筆跡給我寫信,肉麻地恭維我是穿皮衣的維納斯148 ,說他深切地同情我那凍僵了的馬車夫帕爾默,同時又表示羨慕帕爾默的帽子護耳蓬蓬松松的羊皮外衣以及他能呆在我身邊有多么幸運。

About two o clock the following day a calash , drawn by a pair of magnificent english horses , stopped at the door of monte cristo and a person , dressed in a blue coat , with buttons of a similar color , a white waistcoat , over which was displayed a massive gold chain , brown trousers , and a quantity of black hair descending so low over his eyebrows as to leave it doubtful whether it were not artificial so little did its jetty glossiness assimilate with the deep wrinkles stamped on his features - a person , in a word , who , although evidently past fifty , desired to be taken for not more than forty , bent forwards from the carriage door , on the panels of which were emblazoned the armorial bearings of a baron , and directed his groom to inquire at the porter s lodge whether the count of monte cristo resided there , and if he were within 第二天下午兩點鐘,一輛低輪馬車,由兩匹健壯的英國馬拉著,停在了基督山的門前。車門的嵌板上繪著一套男爵的武器圖案,一個人從車門里探出半個身子來,吩咐他的馬夫到門房里去問一下基督山伯爵是否住在這兒,是否在家。這個人穿著一件藍色的上衣,上衣的紐扣也是藍色的,一件白色的背心,背心上掛著一條粗金鏈子,棕色的褲子,頭發很黑,在前額上垂得很低,幾乎覆蓋了他的眉毛,尤其是,這一頭漆黑油亮的頭發和那刻在他臉上的深深的皺紋極不相稱,很使人懷疑那是假發。

The authors conclude by assessing the vital historical role and scientific value of export porcelain , centred on portugal , as evidenced by the few examples that remain of the porcelain designed and commissioned by the portuguese of the armorial porcelain known today in chinese as wenzhangci 最后總結出外銷瓷具有極高的歷史和科研價值,如今存世不多的葡萄牙人在華定制的“紋章瓷”是中葡關系的歷史見證。

The countries of the union undertake to prohibit the unauthorized use in trade of the state armorial bearings of the other countries of the union , when the use is of such a nature as to be misleading as to the origin of the goods 本聯盟各國承諾,如未經批準而在商業中使用本聯盟其他國家的國徽,具有使人對商品的原產地產生誤解的性質時,應禁止其使用。

All around , there were monuments carved with armorial bearings ; and on this simple slab of slate - as the curious investigator may still discern , and perplex himself with the purport - there appeared the semblance of an engraved escutcheon 周圍全是刻著家族紋章的碑石而在這一方簡陋的石板上好奇的探索者仍會看見,卻不明所以了有著類似盾形紋章的刻痕。

Skipped irreverently from one grave to another ; until , coming to the broad , flat , armorial tombstone of a departed worthy - perhaps of isaac johnson himself - she began to dance upon it 此時她正大不敬地從一個墳墓跳到另一個墳墓終于來到一位逝去的大人物說不定正是艾薩克,約翰遜本人的寬大平整帶紋章的墓石跟前,在那上面跳起舞來。

“ really , m . de blacas , i must change your armorial bearings ; i will give you an eagle with outstretched wings , holding in its claws a prey which tries in vain to escape , and bearing this device - tenax . 我讓你猜一謎,有一只展開雙翅的老鷹,它的腳爪抓住了一只獵物,這個獵物想逃跑,但又逃不了,它的名字就叫做拉丁文:固執。 ”

These animals were the real thing all right , but they were also armorial devices ? symbols of the countryside and lifeblood of the earth in which they were rooted 詩集中所詠的動物當然是真實的,但是這些動物還代表著徽章文飾? ?象征著鄉村及動物所扎根的大地生命。

Boar - a fierce combatant when at bay , and ceases fighting only with its life , and therefore may be properly applied as the armorial bearing of a warrior 公豬公豬在絕境中仍然死戰直到生命最后一刻,因此勇士會愿意在盾牌上標此物以作為自己象征。

The whole history of the second half of the middle ages is written in armorial bearings , - - the first half is in the symbolism of the roman churches 中世紀后半期的全部歷史都寫在紋章中,正如前半期的歷史都寫在羅曼教堂的象征符號之中。

Boar - a fierce combatant when at bay , and ceases fighting only with its life , and therefore may be properly applied as the armorial bearing of a warrior 公豬在絕境中死戰的斗士,直到當他的生命凝結成盾紋上的戰士時搏殺才會停息。

Boar - a fierce combatant when at bay , and ceases fighting only with its life , and therefore may be properly applied as the armorial bearing of a warrior 公豬公豬在絕境中仍然死戰直到生命最后一刻,因此勇士的盾牌上會以此為象征。

On one of them , which was a fringed scarf for a dress of ceremony , i saw the armorial bearings of a noble , and the letter e 其中之一是穿禮服用的繡有花邊的圍巾。在那上面我看到一個貴族紋章和字母e 。

Letters came , with armorial seals upon them , though of bearings unknown to english heraldry 寄來的信件上印有紋章,不過那是英格蘭家系上所沒有記載的。

Flame armorial games 火焰紋章小游戲

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