
armor n.〔美國〕 = armour.


Research on electric transmission design of armored vehicle 裝甲車輛電傳動設計方案研究

Is actually better than his ultimate armor . . . 事實上比他的終極盔甲還要強

Gunboats have the same properties as armored vehicles 炮艇有著和裝甲車輛相同的屬性。

We can ' t take out an armored truck during rush hour 在高峰時期不可能對一輛裝甲車下手

About how iron man ' s armor - - his old armor - - Iron man的盔甲,他的初級盔甲

The hard shell of giant dune worms . adds + 10 armor 巨沙蟲的堅硬外殼。增加10點裝甲。

So ? - it ' s a chink in your armor 那又如何? -這會成為你保護罩上的一道裂縫

Armored escalades , full communication package 防彈卡迪拉克全套的通訊設備

Like a knight in shining armor perhaps 就像一個穿著閃閃發光的盔甲的騎士?

Expose armor will now reduce armor by a percentage 破甲將會按照百分比減少敵人裝甲。

And expect these blows to damage your armor 而且這些打擊還會損害您的防具。

My a blade can cut through armor , and still cut a tomato 我的刀可以切穿盔甲

In what ways is devastate better than sunder armor 毀滅打擊到底在哪些方面比破甲好

Super metal armor games - 4455 miniclip games 超級金屬裝甲小游戲- 4399小游戲

Dryad attack and armor increase from upgrades 森林女神攻擊和鎧甲防御在升級后提升。

- so ? - it ' s a chink in your armor -那又如何? -這會成為你保護罩上的一道裂縫

My armor will crush your pathetic forces 我的裝甲部隊將會打垮你可憐的軍隊。

Or your puppet in shining armor , or whatever 我不再是閃亮盔甲下的傀儡,隨便怎么說

Primarily torpedoes will do the most damage to armor 對裝甲造成破壞的主要是魚雷。