
armoire n.〔法語〕大型衣櫥。


Sunrise furniture is specialized in the production of european and american classic solid wood furniture such as dining tables , chairs , sofas , armoires , curios , bedroom sets etc ; with modernized machinery exporting to many countries all over the world 本公司擅長生產房間系列家?如:梳妝臺,茶幾,電視柜,床類等.還可以根據客戶要求產客戶制造樣辦及產品,本公司以守信用,品質優良,價格適中原則

She got up without lighting the lamp , felt around in the armoire for an archaic revolver that no one had fired since the war of a thousand days , and located in the darkness not only the place where the door was but also the exact height of the lock 她下了床,沒有開燈,在衣櫥里摸出一支打千日戰爭之后就再也沒開過火的舊手槍,在黑暗中不僅弄清門的所在,而且還弄準了門鎖的精確高度。