
armlet n.1.小海灣。2.臂飾,臂環,臂章。


And we have presented jehovah ' s offering , what every man has obtained , articles of gold , armlets and bracelets , signet rings , earrings and pendants , to make expiation for our souls before jehovah 50如今我們將各人所得的金器,就是臂環、手鐲、打印的戒指、耳環、項煉,都送來為耶和華的供物,好在耶和華面前為我們的性命遮罪。

A man in a buff suit with a crape armlet . not much grief there . quarter mourning 有個身穿一套淡黃色衣服的男子,臂上佩帶著黑紗。

His hair is tied in a topknot and he has earrings , bracelets and armlets 他的頭發與頭飾連成一體,還有耳環,手鐲和臂環。