armageddon n.1.【圣經】世界末日善惡決戰的戰場。2.(國際間的)...
n. 1.【圣經】世界末日善惡決戰的戰場。 2.(國際間的)大決戰。 “armageddon it“ 中文翻譯: 大決戰“armageddon armageddon“ 中文翻譯: 末日審判“armageddon (film)“ 中文翻譯: 世天劫“armageddon drake“ 中文翻譯: 末日龍戰士“armageddon of the brain“ 中文翻譯: 以一種艱苦決戰的方式“visions of armageddon“ 中文翻譯: 世界末日“worms armageddon“ 中文翻譯: 軟蟲大戰; 蚯蚓戰場“- averting armageddon (killer asteroids)“ 中文翻譯: 末日浩劫“mortal kombat armageddon“ 中文翻譯: 凡人快打世界末日; 真人快打末日戰場; 真人快打世界末日; 致命格斗末日戰場; 致命格斗末日之戰“armagedden“ 中文翻譯: 城市判官; 末日法術“armaganyan“ 中文翻譯: 阿爾馬加尼揚“armagan gora“ 中文翻譯: 阿爾馬甘山“armagan“ 中文翻譯: 阿爾馬安; 阿馬岡“armadori“ 中文翻譯: 阿爾馬多里
After starring in yet another coming - of - age tale , pat o connor s rather anemic “ inventing the abbotts “ 1997 , in which she sensitively rendered the meatiest of the three abbott sisters , tyler embarked on “ armageddon “ 1998 , her first commercial blockbuster amidst a steady diet of art - house films . as bruce willis daughter and ben affleck s love interest , she got her first taste of the kind of inane story that can make hundreds of millions of dollars thanks to disney s marketing muscle 14歲從波特蘭到紐約開始模特生涯1994年接拍第一部電影沉默的陷阱隨后憑借1996年意大利名導貝托魯的偷香聲名大振1998年與布魯斯威利班艾佛列克等出演迪斯尼大成本制作世界末日再到新世紀魔戒三部曲的風靡全球麗芙的成功水到渠成。 |
“ we may be the generation that sees armageddon . “我們這代人有可能見到世界末日. |
armagnac |
After starring in yet another coming - of - age tale , pat o connor s rather anemic “ inventing the abbotts “ 1997 , in which she sensitively rendered the meatiest of the three abbott sisters , tyler embarked on “ armageddon “ 1998 , her first commercial blockbuster amidst a steady diet of art - house films . as bruce willis daughter and ben affleck s love interest , she got her first taste of the kind of inane story that can make hundreds of millions of dollars thanks to disney s marketing muscle 14歲從波特蘭到紐約開始模特生涯1994年接拍第一部電影沉默的陷阱隨后憑借1996年意大利名導貝托魯的偷香聲名大振1998年與布魯斯威利班艾佛列克等出演迪斯尼大成本制作世界末日再到新世紀魔戒三部曲的風靡全球麗芙的成功水到渠成。 |
Among those attending the star - studded gala were billy bob thornton sling blade , armageddon , steven seagal under siege , laura dern jurassic park , jennifer love hewitt party of five , matt leblanc friends , and super model cindy crawford , to name just a few . richard shadyac , the national executive director of st . jude children s research hospital , welcomes master 出席的演藝人員有演豁達的天空阿姆戈頓的比利巴伯昭頓,演潛轟天的史迪文西戈,演侏羅紀公園的勞拉德恩,五人行的珍妮芙愛黑威特,一起走過的日子的馬特勒布藍克,還有超級模特兒辛蒂克勞馥等等。 |
In 1998 , willis reputation as an action hero was reinforced with the big - budget , big - box office armageddon , but following this success , willis opted for a smaller project , this time in the form of the long - delayed production of kurt vonnegut s breakfast of champions 1999 這以后,布魯斯-威利斯選擇了一部規模較小的影片, 1999年他出演了庫爾特-馮內格特的籌劃已久的冠軍的早餐“ breakfast of champions ” 。 |
But he acts like one when he saves the earth in the movie armageddon , blasting a huge oncoming asteroid into two pieces that safely miss the planet 但他在世界末曰一片中拯救地球時演得煞有其事,將一個逼近地球、體積龐大的小行星炸成兩半,讓兩塊碎石安全地和地球擦身而過。 |
Good omens . neil gaiman and terry pratchett . in this bizarre , end - of - the - world comedy , armageddon has come , except the angels and devils aren ' t ready for it 在這個奇異的、世界終結的喜劇中,哈米吉多頓(世界末日善惡決戰的戰場)出現了,然而天使和惡魔都沒有準備好面對它。 |
Good omens . neil gaiman and terry pratchett . in this bizarre , end - of - the - world comedy , armageddon has come , except the angels and devils aren ' t ready for it 在這個奇異的、世界終結的喜劇中,世界末日出現了,然而天使和惡魔都沒有準備好面對它。 |
Two florida physicists have now taken on armageddon and other hollywood blockbusters in a new approach to teaching science 兩位佛羅里達州的物理學家正使用世界末曰和其他好萊塢賣座鉅片,將其變成教科學的一種新方法。 |
Cogliostro encourages spawn to fight the devil and reign as a true champion for humankind , while clown prods spawn to lead the armageddon 還陽后,西蒙化身再生俠,擁有不死身軀和超能力,并開始地獄使者的任務。 |
The tiberium vapor bomb should be used to destroy technology assemblers , but be careful since the armageddon bomber is fragile 泰礦蒸汽炸彈應該被用來摧毀高科,但是要小心,因為末日轟炸機是很脆弱的。 |
Gav thorpe takes a closer look at their history from their early beginnings to their involvement on the war - ravaged world of armageddon 塔夫特洛浦從這個善惡分明的世界上開始了對他們歷史的記述。 |
It will serve as a rallying point for the forces of good as the battle of armageddon begins 它將會作為一個長距離的點,在哈米吉多頓戰役(圣經中世界末日善惡決戰的戰場)開始的時候代表善的力量。 |
Rev . 16 : 16 and they gathered them to the place which in hebrew is called , armageddon 啟十六16那三個鬼的靈便叫眾王聚攏在一個地方,希伯來話叫作哈米吉頓。 |
Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in hebrew is called armageddon 16那三個鬼魔便叫眾王聚集在一處,希伯來話叫作哈米吉多頓。 |
And he gathered them together into a place called in the hebrew tongue armageddon 16那三個鬼魔便叫眾王聚集在一處,希伯來話叫哈米吉多頓。 |
I ' m not asking you to walk the land in sackcloth preaching the armageddon 我不用要求你穿著麻袋走在街上傳講圣經里的世界末日善惡決戰戰場 |
And he gathered them together into a place called in the hebrew tongue armageddon 污靈就把眾王聚集在一個地方,希伯來話叫哈米吉多頓。 |
A : why did you buy boxes of groceries ? are you preparing for armageddon 你為什麼買這麼多箱食品雜貨?準備世界末日啊? |