
armada n.1.艦隊。2.(飛機,汽車等的)大隊。3.〔the ...

Such is the carnage at the initial landing ( the americans suffered 2 , 000 casualties that first day alone ) that there will be some temptation to compare the scene to current co - producer steven spielberg ' s justly celebrated d - day invasion sequence in “ saving private ryan . “ but eastwood does it his own way , impressively providing coherence and chaos , awesome panoramic shots revealing the enormous armada and sudden spasms of violence that with great simplicity point up the utter arbitrariness of suffering and death in combat 這是首登陸的大屠殺(僅是第一天美軍傷亡人數就達2 , 000人) ,這就讓人不禁拿它同共同制作人史蒂文.斯皮伯格近期著名的在< >盟國西歐登陸日系列的場景相比較.但是伊斯特伍德以自己的方式設計場景,另人印象深刻地提供一致與混亂,漂亮的全景取景,展示了龐大的艦隊和戰爭的突然爆發,同時,不乏對戰場上絕對任意的痛苦和死亡的樸素視角


One of the worlds best beaches , rolling surf , see all of the glorious sydney harbour , sparkling water , pass by the great armada of luxury cruise ships , sailing boats of all shapes and sizes and a vast array of awe inspiring vessels of all sorts , see all of these from the full walk around decks of the magical manly ferry 世界上最棒的海灘之一,起伏的海浪,在magical manly渡船的甲板上觀看所有顯赫的悉尼海港,奢華的游輪艦隊和各式各樣大小不一的帆船。觀看悉尼歌劇院,悉尼大橋,月神公園, sydney heads ,丹尼斯堡壘, city skyline以及更多精彩內容。

This paper analysis the low using rate are armada ' s environment spectrum . for most warcraft calculate the placement spectrum is enough . . the placement spectrum is composed of moist heat atmosphere , dry heat atmosphere and water solution corrode mediator soak environment 本文對使用率較低機群的使用環境譜進行分析,總結出大多數軍用飛機使用環境譜僅需考慮停放環境譜,停放環境譜主要由大氣濕熱環境、干熱環境和水溶液腐蝕介質浸泡環境(或鹽霧環境等)三種介質環境所組成。

Such is the carnage at the initial landing ( the americans suffered 2 , 000 casualties that first day alone ) that there will be some temptation to compare the scene to current co - producer steven spielberg ' s justly celebrated d - day invasion sequence in “ saving private ryan . “ but eastwood does it his own way , impressively providing coherence and chaos , awesome panoramic shots revealing the enormous armada and sudden spasms of violence that with great simplicity point up the utter arbitrariness of suffering and death in combat 這是首登陸的大屠殺(僅是第一天美軍傷亡人數就達2 , 000人) ,這就讓人不禁拿它同共同制作人史蒂文.斯皮伯格近期著名的在< >盟國西歐登陸日系列的場景相比較.但是伊斯特伍德以自己的方式設計場景,另人印象深刻地提供一致與混亂,漂亮的全景取景,展示了龐大的艦隊和戰爭的突然爆發,同時,不乏對戰場上絕對任意的痛苦和死亡的樸素視角

The grainy sand had gone from under his feet . his boots trod again a damp crackling mast , razorshells , squeaking pebbles , that on the unnumbered pebbles beats , wood sieved by the shipworm , lost armada . unwholesome sandflats waited to suck his treading soles , breathing upward sewage breath 他的靴子重新踩在咯吱一聲就裂開來的濕桅桿上,還踩著了竹蟶,發出軋轢聲的卵石,被浪潮沖撞著的無數石子62 ,以及被船蛆蛀得滿是窟窿的木料,潰敗了的無敵艦隊63 。

Exactly 600 years ago this month the great ming armada weighed anchor in nanjing , on the first of seven epic voyages as far west as africa ? almost a century before christopher columbus ' s arrival in the americas and vasco da gama ' s in india 就在600年前的這個月(明永樂三年( 1405 )六月十五日) ,這支雄壯的明朝船隊在江蘇太倉劉家港起錨首航,七次歷史性航行由此展開,最遠最西曾抵達非洲,而且比哥倫布到達美洲以及達.伽馬到達印度早了將近一個世紀。

As far as improving the control level of watercraft vibration , especially improving the concealment performance and combat effectiveness of armada , researching the new technique and method which are agreement with ship dynamical equipment has the academic and practical significance 研究和探索適用于船舶動力裝置的振動有源控制新技術、新方法,對于提高船舶振動控制水平,特別是提高艦船的隱蔽性和戰斗力具有重要的理論和實際意義。

They are capable of supporting [ [ warfare link ] ] modules and capital remote logistics modules to strengthen your fleet ' s defence , while their armada of powerful [ [ fighter ] ] drones aid in removing the enemy from the equation 它們可以裝載[ [作戰網絡] ]設備以及旗艦級遠程支援設備來增強整個艦隊的防衛能力,同時釋放出整個編隊的[ [艦載機] ]向敵人發動強有力的攻勢。

Dynamical machinery is one of primary source of vibration on armada . when it works , vibration is transfered to the base and radiated out through the hull . this affects the concealment performance and combat effectiveness of warship 動力機械是艦船的主要振源之一,工作時的振動將傳遞給基礎,并通過船體向外輻射,嚴重地影響艦船的隱蔽性和戰斗力。

Now that the armada is well supplied with the precious black substance that your tankers have amassed , doomhammer feels it is time to make a gruesome example of hillsbrad 現在艦隊由你的油船收集的珍貴黑色物質很好的供給著,末日戰錘感到是給希爾斯布萊德的一個深刻教訓的時候了

Amid disappointment in the aftermath of the semi - final defeat at old trafford , joe cole made a point of paying tribute to the blue armada that headed north to support the team 沉浸于老特拉福德球場那場半決賽的失利的后果中,喬?科爾強調了前往北部支持球隊的藍色艦隊做的貢獻。

Now that you know the importance of carrying anti - infantry infantry with your armada , now you will learn the effective ways of countering this threat 現在你知道攜帶反步兵步兵跟隨你的艦隊的重要性了,下面你將會學到反抗步兵威脅的有效方法。

He may be designed based on the original unicron , but this unicron is still part of the armada line , and as such compatability with mini - cons is a must 他是基于最初的宇宙大帝設計,但是這個宇宙大帝是a版玩具線,迷你是不可或缺的。

Here , hidden in the rocks , is cheung po tsai cave , named after a pirate whose mini armada roamed the south china seas in the early 19th century 張保仔是十九世紀早期一個肆虐南中國海的海盜,傳說他將掠奪得來的寶藏收藏于石洞內。

The woman , 22 , and man , 23 , both students , were standing outside a shop in armada way in plymouth in the early hours of saturday 報導說,六月三十日,年紀分別為二十三歲與二十二歲的中國留學生在普利茅斯市一家商店門口遭到攻擊。

Cybertron unicron , a strange smaller toy , it seems a mix between armada megatrons tank mode and even a hint of a star wars tank from episode 1 版宇宙大帝是個奇怪的小玩具,它集合了a版威震天的坦克以及星戰的坦克的感覺。

With the german army massing to surround them , an armada of every kind of boat forms to transport them back to england against all odds 危急之際,幸得艦隊趕至,以寡敵眾,奇跡地將大部份的英軍救回。

The lost armada is his jeer in love s labour lost . his pageants , the histories , sail fullbellied on a tide of mafeking enthusiasm 365在愛的徒勞中,被擊敗的無敵艦隊366成了他嘲笑的對象。

At sea the persian armada of 800 vessels bore down on the retreating greek fleet who were hopelessly outnumbered 汪洋大海上, 800艘波斯戰艦窮追猛打希臘戰船,數量遠遠落后的希臘戰船步步后退。