
arkansas n.1.阿肯色〔美國州名〕。2.〔the Arkansa...

President clinton responds : “ these aren t just ordinary pigs , actually . they are pure arkansas razorback pigs ! ! 海軍陸戰隊員回答說: “是的,總統,非常漂亮的豬,總統! ”

And betty bumpers a crusader for childhood immunizations who was clinton ' s predecessor as arkansas “ first lady 克林頓的前任,也是阿肯色州州長夫人。


That s a serious thing to do , sir , returned the captain . these indians may retreat beyond the arkansas , and i cannot leave the fort unprotected “這可不是件小事,先生, ”連長說, “這些印第安人能跑到阿肯色河那邊去!

Two - thirds of the turkeys are expected to come from minnesota , north carolina , arkansas , virginia , missouri and california 預期有三分之二的火雞將產自明尼蘇達、北卡羅萊納、阿肯色、弗吉尼亞、密蘇里以及加利福尼亞。

Couple from texas found a 6 . 35 - carat diamond at the arkansas crater of diamonds state park late last month 上個月月末,來自美國得克薩斯州的一對夫婦在阿肯色州的“鉆石坑”州立公園幸運地揀到一顆6 . 35克拉重的鉆石。

The research trip came just after the news broke that the ivory - bill had been reported in the big woods region of eastern arkansas 這次科考旅行是在新聞報道說東阿肯色州的貝格伍茲區發現這種啄木鳥之后進行的

Two thirds of the turkeys are expected to come from minnesota , north carolina , arkansas , virginia , missouri and california 三分之二的火雞來自明尼蘇達、北卡、阿肯色、佛吉尼亞、密蘇里以及加立佛尼亞。

Two - thirds of the turkeys are expected to come from minnesota , north carolina , arkansas , virginia , missouri and california 三分之二的火雞來自明尼蘇達州、北卡羅里那、弗吉尼亞、密蘇里和加利福尼亞。

Two - thirds of the turkeys are expected to come from minnesota , north carolina , arkansas , virginia , missouri and california 其中三分之二來自于明尼蘇達、北卡羅來納、阿肯色、弗吉尼亞、密蘇里及加州。

Two - thirds of the turkeys are expected to come from minnesota , north carolina , arkansas , virginia , missouri and california 其中2 / 3來自于明尼蘇達、北卡羅來納、阿肯色、弗吉尼亞、密蘇里及加州。

And caught on tape : a car jumps the curb and barrels into an arkansas supermarket , injuring two customers 監控錄像上顯示:一輛汽車躍過了路緣和一些筒進入阿肯色州的一家超市,兩名消費者受傷。

During her twelve years as arkansas ' first lady , hillary clinton became a well - known activist for women and children 在身為阿肯色州州長夫人的12年里,希拉里?克林頓成了知名的婦幼運動人士。

Some 22 years later i was in arkansas visiting my lawyer brother before returning to china to teach for another year 22年之后,在回中國準備繼續任教一年之前,我去阿肯色州看當律師的哥哥。

Wal - mart stores , inc . was founded by sam walton , a legend of american retail industry , in arkansas in 1962 沃爾瑪百貨有限公司由美國零售業的傳奇人物山姆沃爾頓先生于1962年在阿肯色州成立。

Two - thirds of the turkeys are expected to come from minnesota , north carolina , arkansas , virginia , missouri and california 2 / 3的火雞預計來自南卡羅蘭納,阿肯色,弗吉尼亞,加利福尼亞。

A city of central arkansas southwest of little rock . there are bauxite deposits in the area . population , 18 , 177 本托美國阿肯色州中部,位于小石城西南。該地區產鋁土礦。人口18 , 177 。

In arkansas , at least one person is dead after an apparent tornado went the eastern part of the state 當龍卷風襲擊美國部分后東部地區后,在阿肯色州至少有一人在此過程中喪身。

President clinton responds : “ these aren t just ordinary pigs , actually . they are pure arkansas razorback pigs ! ! 海軍陸戰隊員回答說: “是的,總統,非常漂亮的豬,總統! ”

The rice was found in arkansas and * missouri mixing , mixed with surprise supplies from several states 在阿肯色州和密蘇里州發現的這種大米與其他州供應的這種大米相混合。