
arkansan adj. 阿肯色州(人)的。2.n. 阿肯色州人。


But claxton said the stocking is n ' t the first time arkansans have set a guinness world record . among the state ' s other accomplishments are the heaviest twins , who weighed a total of 27 . 12 pounds when they were born feb . 20 , 1924 據美聯社12月5日報道,做為吉尼斯世界紀錄方面的代表,英格蘭人斯圖爾特克拉克斯頓于12月3日專程從紐約飛到阿肯色州,對這只襪子進行實地測量。

The arkansan replies , “ oh , yeah ? yesterday a 15 - foot rattler came at me , so i grabbed it , bit its head off , and spit the poison into a spittoon 15 yards away 阿肯色牛仔回答道, “噢,是嗎?一條15英尺的毒蛇向我撲過來,我抓住它,把它的頭咬下來,然后把毒液吐到15碼外的痰盂里。 ”