
aristocracy n.1.貴族政治[政府],貴族統治的國家。2.〔the ...

“ any other boy ! “ tom thought , grating his teeth . “ any boy in the whole town but that saint louis smarty that thinks he dresses so fine and is aristocracy 湯姆咬牙切地想: “要是城里別的孩子那也就算了,可偏碰上圣路易斯來的這個自以為聰明的花花公子。


For hundreds of years , debrett ' s has guided britain ' s aristocracy through the niceties of meeting royalty , going to the races or eating soup in the correct way 數世紀以來,德布雷特英國貴族年鑒指導貴族們如何得體地接見皇室成員進入貴族社會或者姿態優美地喝湯。

It is a question of which function you are brought up to and adapted to . it is not the individuals that make an aristocracy : it is the functioning of the aristocratic whole 緊要的是你受的哪一種職責的教養,你適全呈哪一種職責,貴族并不是由個人組成的。

“ any other boy ! “ tom thought , grating his teeth . “ any boy in the whole town but that saint louis smarty that thinks he dresses so fine and is aristocracy 湯姆咬牙切地想: “要是城里別的孩子那也就算了,可偏碰上圣路易斯來的這個自以為聰明的花花公子。

The daughter of lord henshingly croft , lara was brought up in the secure world of aristocracy surrounded by tennis , butlers and corgis 作為henshingly croft勛爵的女兒,勞拉在無憂無慮的貴族家庭中被扶養長大,生活在網球管家以及威爾士矮腳狗的包圍之中。

In the 18th and 19th centuries , the lords had far more influence than it has today and the commons were also really gentry on the edge of aristocracy 18世紀和19世紀,上議院比今日的影響大的多,并且下議院處于貴族的邊緣上,也相當“貴氣” 。

The deference with which the french aristocracy greeted the middle - class rousseau was all the more remarkable because he showed so little respect for them 法國貴族對中產階級的盧梭的尊重由于盧梭對貴族們的不尊重而更為顯著。

Historian allan lichtman says the speech was so popular because it makes american leaders more human . in america we have no monarchy , no aristocracy 里奇曼說,勞拉的調侃之所以這么受歡迎,是因為它使得美國領導人更加平易近人。

Xiulian : i am a woman who , as all women , is bound by tradition . i do not know how it is with the aristocracy , but it weighs a lot on me 秀蓮:我和所有的女人一樣要遵循傳統。我不知道官宦人家怎樣,可我的壓力不小。

Indeed , the problem of dealing with boredom may be even more difficult for such a future mass society than it was for aristocracies 的確對于這樣一個未來群眾社會,應付無聊的問題比起來貴族們可能更困難。

Here was i thinking you a new - sprung child of nature ; there were you , the belated seedling of an effete aristocracy 我原來以為你是一個自然的新生女兒誰知道你竟是一個沒落了的貴族家庭的后裔呢! ”

A member of the prussian landed aristocracy , a class formerly associated with political reaction and militarism 容克普魯士貴族地主中的成員,先前與政治上的極端保守主義和軍國主義聯系在一起的階級。

Rather as romans aspired to greek virtues , the new barbarian aristocracy aspired to live like romans 正如羅馬人為希臘美德而狂熱,新到的蠻族貴族也迫切地希望能像羅馬人一樣生活。

With her the rottenness that is allowed to ferment among the populace is carried upward and rots the aristocracy 她把在平民百姓中發酵的腐爛物帶到上層社會,腐蝕著貴族階層。

Aristocracy is a function , a part of fate . and the masses are a functioning of another part of fate 貴族是一種職責,命運之一部分,而群眾是執行職責,命運之其他一部分。

There was another clan of aristocracy around there - five or six families - mostly of the name of shepherdson 附近還有另一族貴族人家一共五六家吧大多姓歇佛遜的。

Some of the more haughty of aristocracy did take exception at his neglecting to raise his cap to them 一些較為傲慢的貴族對于他不記得向他們脫帽致敬大為不滿。

He had recognized by certain unmistakable signs , that his fair incognita belonged to the aristocracy 他已從某些蛛絲馬跡上看出那個無名美人是貴族社會中的人。

Edith wharton continued writing her satires of the life and manners of the new york aristocracy 伊迪絲?沃頓繼續寫諷刺紐約貴族生活和習俗的作品。