
ariel n.【動物;動物學】(阿拉伯)羚羊。

Israel ' s cabinet has declared prime minister ariel sharon “ permanently incapacitated , “ officially ending his five - year leadership of the jewish state 以色列內閣星期二宣布沙龍總理“永久失去能力” ,正式結束沙龍對以色列這個猶太國家為期5年的領導。

In an interview minutes after back - to - back telephone calls to abbas and israeli prime minister ariel sharon , powell said , “ we are going to keep moving to peace . 鮑威爾先后與阿巴斯以及以色列總理沙龍進行了電話會談后說: “我們將繼續和平進程“ 。

This whimsical “ above - the - sea “ cart offers a calypso of toys and other fun merchandise themed to ariel and her friends from the disney film the little mermaid 除了小美人魚系列商品之外,能在園內使用玩耍的閃亮商品也廣受歡迎。

Mourners lashed out at israeli prime minister ariel sharon - - calling him the “ head of the snake “ - - and at president bush and the united states 哀悼的人們猛烈抨擊以色列總理沙龍和布什總統及美國,并指稱沙龍為“蛇頭” 。

1822 percy bysshe shelley , english poet , was accidentally drowned while sailing in his small schooner ariel to his home 英國詩人波西?比希?雪萊在駕著“愛麗兒號“小帆船回家的途中,意外地溺水身亡。


According to american author ariel meadow stallings , the commodification process - turning something we view as a lifestyle into a product - has happened countless times 美國作家阿里爾?麥道?斯多林斯認為,這種商品化行為? ?即把我們看作為生活方式的某種東西轉變為商品? ?已經發生過無數次了。

During the past summer israel also faced an internal rift over ariel sharon ' s decision to withdraw from the occupied gaza strip and dismantle the israeli settlements in it 今年夏天,因為總理夏隆決定退出加薩走廊,將駐軍及屯墾區的居民都從?領區撤離,使得以色列內部意見分歧,紛爭不斷。

And the multitude of all the nations that fight against ariel , even all that fight against her and her munition , and that distress her , shall be as a dream of a night vision 賽29 : 7那時、攻擊亞利伊勒列國的群眾、就是一切攻擊亞利伊勒和他的保障、并使他困難的、必如夢景、如夜間的異象。

Israel acted unilaterally in disengaging from gaza , with prime minister ariel sharon saying that keeping the settlements came at too high a price in lives and money 以色列單方面決定從加沙撤出。以色列總理沙龍表示,以色列為了維持在加沙地帶的猶太人定居點付出的生命和金錢的代價太高。

And the multitude of all the nations that fight against ariel , even all that fight against her and her munition , and that distress her , shall be as a dream of a night vision 7那時,攻擊亞利伊勒列國的群眾,就是一切攻擊亞利伊勒和他的保障,并使他困難的,必如夢景,如夜間的異象。

Here children can frolic and play amongst ariel and her companions in their wonderful and fantastic world filled with surprises and fun - filled attractions , including a dazzling live entertainment show 讓海底居民的笑容喚起您的童心,在這老少咸宜的國度里盡情嬉戲,享受歡樂時光。

Israeli prime minister ariel sharon and his palestinian counterpart mahmoud abbas have agreed to establish four joint committees to pave the way for a lasting peace in the middle east 以色列總理沙龍和巴勒斯坦總理阿巴斯達成協議舉行第四次峰會,為中東鋪平一條持久的和平道路。

And all the nations making war on ariel , and all those who are fighting against her and shutting her in with their towers , will be like a dream , like a vision of the night 那時,攻擊亞利伊勒列國的群眾,就是一切攻擊亞利伊勒和他的保障,并使他困難的,必如夢景,如夜間的異象。

That war also buried the big idea ? unilateral withdrawal ? on which the new kadima party he inherited from ariel sharon was elected 那場戰爭也使單方面撤軍這個很吸引人的口號灰飛煙滅了,而正是這個口號讓前進黨在大選中獲勝,他也因此能從沙龍手中接過總理的寶座。

Israel ' s cabinet has declared prime minister ariel sharon “ permanently incapacitated , “ officially ending his five - year leadership of the jewish state 以色列內閣星期二宣布沙龍總理“永久失去能力” ,正式結束沙龍對以色列這個猶太國家為期5年的領導。

Ariel has finished reading loch , she has her own views towards the role of huang rong , and she insists that she doesn ' t watch the previous versions of huang rong 日前她終于讀完《射雕英雄傳》 ,對黃蓉有自己的看法,但她堅持不看前幾版的黃蓉演出。

On october 29th , israeli paratroopers , led by a zealous officer called ariel sharon , were dropped into sinai to fulfil their side of the bargain 8月29日,由富有干勁的軍官阿里埃勒?沙龍率領的以色列傘兵部隊空投在了西奈半島,完成了以色列該做的事情。

In an interview with barbara walters broadcast dec 5 , she admitted that she and george talk privately about ariel sharon and the palestinian question 去年12月5日在接受芭芭拉?沃爾特斯的廣播采訪時,勞拉承認她和布什私下討論過沙龍和巴勒斯坦問題。

In an interview minutes after back - to - back telephone calls to abbas and israeli prime minister ariel sharon , powell said , “ we are going to keep moving to peace . 鮑威爾先后與阿巴斯以及以色列總理沙龍進行了電話會談后說: “我們將繼續和平進程“ 。