
aridity n.1.無旱;貧瘠,荒蕪。2.枯燥,乏味。

On december 26 , brings honor to volunteer the spirit , sets up volunteer the model “ in the society , impels the voluntary work the development , south 2006 year which the participation group south china sea district party committee , the area righteousness labor union holds the sea aridity work outstanding team and the outstanding individual commend ceremony 12月26日,為弘揚義工精神,在社會中樹立“義工典范” ,推動義務工作的發展,參加團南海區委、區義工聯舉行的2006年度南海區義務工作杰出團隊和優秀個人嘉許典禮。

The name sahara conjures up images of a desert of aridity “撒哈拉“這個名字使人想起乾旱的沙漠情景。


Based on the serious shortage of soil moisture , soil aridity and vegetation recession in this region , the following issues are studied in this dissertation : ( 1 ) the meaning of soil water and its role in the water circulation ; ( 2 ) soil water deficit and its influence to vegetation growth ; ( 3 ) the definition of soil dried layer and the causes of its formation ; ( 4 ) soil dried layer distribution and characteristics in north of shaanxi loess plateau ; ( 5 ) the primary study of measurable index of soil dried layer 本論文主要針對黃土高原土壤水分嚴重虧缺現狀以及因之而形成的土壤干化和林草植被衰退現象,主要對以下幾方面的問題進行了研究: ( 1 )土壤水分的意義及其在生態系統水分循環過程中的作用; ( 2 )林草植被土壤水分虧缺狀況及其對植被生長的影響; ( 3 )土壤干層的涵義及成因分析; ( 4 )陜北黃土高原土壤干層的分布及特征; ( 5 )土壤干層的量化指標初步研究。

The research indicates that the climate character which is the temporal coupling of aridity , lack of rain and excessive wind , together with the thick sand matter sediment of the west liao river system , lead to the frangibility of environment in keerqin sandlot . in the recent years , there is a seriously lack of water resources . about 50 p 研究表明:該地區氣候特征表現為干旱、少雨、多風在時間上的耦合,加之西遼河水系巨厚的沙物質沉積,構成了科爾沁沙地生態環境的脆弱性’ o近些年來,水資源嚴重短缺,由于降水減少和不斷采集地下水,近50的湖、泡己干涸。

In this paper firstly the severity and complexity of aridity disaster among variety of natural disasters are stated ; then the advances in some aspects of arid climate researches over northwest china in past 20 years , such as its distribution features , forming causes , some inter - comparisons of arid climates , and its monitoring and predicting , are briefly reviewed ; finally some room of northwest china arid climate researches for improvement are also pointed 摘要首先闡述了自然災害中干旱災害的嚴重性和復雜性;接著從西北干旱氣候的時空分布特征、形成原因、干旱氣候的比較以及監測和預測等方面回顧了近20年來我國西北干旱氣候研究的進展;最后提出了西北干旱氣候待研究的問題。

We must take account of crack resistance when doing mixture design . after systematic and scientific determination and analysis of temperature contraction property , aridity contraction property and strength index , the thesis have chosen the best grade limits in which crack resistance and compressive strength are high . this conclusion is based upon standard ? grade limits of cement stabilizing crushed stones subbase 本課題在對水泥穩定類材料溫縮、干縮性能以及強度和模量等指標的測試分析前提下,以規范原有的水泥穩定碎石基層級配范圍為基礎,選擇出抗裂性和抗壓強度兩項指標俱佳的級配范圍。

Because the best grade limits does not vary with material property , firstly , we can confine material grade to the best grade limits when doing subbase mixture design , secondly , after systematic temperature contraction test , aridity contraction test and compressive strength correction test , we can determine the best cement percentage which has the best crack resistance property 因為最佳級配范圍是與粒料的粒徑大小有關的,所以在基層材料配合比設計時可首先將材料級配限制在最佳級配范圍以內,然后通過系統的溫縮、干縮性能試驗以及抗壓強度校核試驗,最終確定抗裂性較好的合理水泥劑量。

The calculation results show that the method designed is quite satisfactory . the models can reproduce the annual precipitation sequence and monthly precipitation sequence . and then the regional aridity index can be estimated statistically , in addition , they can reproduce the characteristic of history precipitation series 這兩類模型分別用于生成模擬年降雨量序列和月降雨量序列作為地區干旱指標序列,從而對所研究地區干旱特征量的統計特性進行估計,并對已發生的地區干旱的重現期進行識別。

On december 26 , brings honor to volunteer the spirit , sets up volunteer the model “ in the society , impels the voluntary work the development , south 2006 year which the participation group south china sea district party committee , the area righteousness labor union holds the sea aridity work outstanding team and the outstanding individual commend ceremony 12月26日,為弘揚義工精神,在社會中樹立“義工典范” ,推動義務工作的發展,參加團南海區委、區義工聯舉行的2006年度南海區義務工作杰出團隊和優秀個人嘉許典禮。

The arid and windy climate condition is one of the important factors of the desertization although there are a lot of natural factors to influence the desertization . because of the regional obvious aridity ization caused by global change that the greenhouse effect cause , the temperature of mu us region increase nearly by 1 . 12 in forty years from 1961 to 2000 , which is above the average temperature - growth of the global 由于溫室效應引起的全球變化導致的區域明顯干旱化, 1961年2000年的40年內毛烏素地區氣溫約增高了1 . 12 ,遠高于全球平均升溫幅度( 0 . 5 ) ,且降水量遞減、蒸發量漸大,氣候特征波動突出。

( 2 ) aiming at the bigger irrigation quota of fall irrigation system and the complicacy of the salt movement in soil , the paper applies reservoir leaching model bring forwarded by w . h . van der molen to hetao irrigation district located in aridity area , and establishes salt leaching simulational model under the fall irrigation system . through calculating , the feasible fall irrigation quota is 100 - 120m2 / 667m2 in light salinization soil , and the feasible fall irrigation quota is 120 - 150 m2 / 667m2 in mild salinization soil . the model is reasonable and exact , and it can be researched deep ( 2 )針對在秋澆灌溉制度中秋澆定額較大,土壤中鹽分運移規律復雜的特點,利用w ? h ? vandermolen提出的水庫沖洗模型,建立了地處干旱地區的河套灌區區域內的秋澆制度鹽分淋洗模擬模型。經計算在輕度鹽漬化土壤中秋澆的灌溉定額以100 120m ~ 3 667m ~ 2為宜;中度鹽漬化土壤秋澆的灌溉定額以120 150m ~ 3 667m ~ 2為宜,模型合理可靠,準確可行,可進一步向縱深方向進行研究。

At present , rapid development of industrialization and urbanization , unwonted aridity , increasing of water demand became urgent tasks . jining city ' s water supply mainly relies on groundwater , so that the urban groundwater was sustained overdraft recently 隨著工農業和社會經濟的發展,城市化與工業化進程的加快,近幾年少有的干旱,需水量不斷增加,濟寧城區供水主要依賴于地下水,導致城區地下水持續超采。

The shortage of water and its impact on sustainable development has drawn wide and great attention around the world . hexi region in gansu province as aridity and semiarid rejoin , the shortage of water and environment problems are very serious 全球范圍內水資源短缺及其對可持續發展的影響,已引起社會各界的廣泛關注,甘肅河西地區屬西北干旱區的內陸河流域,這一問題顯得突出而典型。

Actually dryness , or aridity , as it is generally called by geographers , is probably the most challenging of australia ' s natural problems and so it is very important in this course for you to have a good understanding of the subject 確干燥干旱,正如地理學家所說,這可能是澳大利亞自然問題最大的挑戰,是這堂課最重要的,你可以對這門課有好的理解。

From climate index , ecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry aridity ranges from 1 . 0 to 2 . 0 , more year average precipitation in ecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry ranges from 250mm to 450mm 在氣候指標上,與干燥度為1 . 0 2 . 0范圍,多年的平均降水量范圍為250 450mm大體一致。 2整個農牧交錯帶的土地利用特點。

Its dry pale surface stretched severely onward , unbroken by a single figure , vehicle , or mark , save some occasional brown horse - droppings which dotted its cold aridity here and there 那條干燥灰白的路嚴肅地向上伸展著,路上看不見一個人,看不見一輛車,什么東西也沒有,只有一些深黃色的馬糞四下散落在又于又冷的路面上。

Use varied kinds of methods to analyze the depositional environment of permian . the conclusion showed that the palaeoclimate represented the characteristic of half - aridity to moistness then to half - aridity 通過多種手段對二疊紀沉積環境進行綜合判別,認為:三塘湖盆地二疊紀氣候顯示出半干旱?潮溫?半干旱的特征。

For a pop psychologist like hitchens all saints are basket cases : hearing voices means schizophrenia , spiritual elation followed by aridity means manic depression 對于息金斯這樣的通俗心理學家來說,所有的圣人都是無可救藥的人:聽到(上帝的)聲音好像得了精神分裂癥,狂喜和抑郁的交織又好像得了躁郁癥。

I guess i shall never be able to live in the aridity of love , like the seeds shall never sprout out of the dryness of desert , or spiritually fascinating sceneries out of the decadent wasteland 我想我將無法生活在愛枯竭的所在,正如種子無法在沙漠的干涸中發芽,或如精神的美景無法生于慘落的荒原。