
argus n.1.【希臘神話】百眼巨人。2.機警的看守(人)。

Greece - the emblem of the bird - god phaon . associated with hera , who is credited with scattering the “ argus eyes “ over its tail 希臘? ?象征著神鳥腓胺,伴隨著赫拉,尾部散發著“阿耳弋斯的眾多眼睛” 。


This text is from the engineering the practical the angle that turn sets out , according to short - wave system with argus system a thought for connecting a people the correspondence negotiates , and blends oop , design a data exchange interface for first which is based on the xml , and give a the homologous engineering ascends of realize 在這個項目的初期,采用了自主研發的短波監測系統為主, argus系統為輔的協同工作的方式。本文從工程實用化的角度出發,根據短波系統和argus系統之間的數據通信協議,并融合oop的思想,設計并實現了在這兩個監測系統間的基于xml的數據交換處理。

Mercury sat down , talked , told stories till it grew late , and played upon his pipes his most soothing strains , hoping to lull the watchful eyes to sleep , but in vain ; for argus still contrived to keep some of his eyes open , though he shut the rest 墨丘利在巖石上坐下來,談個不停,大說故事,直到天色漸漸地暗了下來;這時他又吹起了簫,奏著最能安神的樂曲,企圖催那些警覺的眼睛進入夢鄉,但沒有奏效;因為阿爾戈斯雖然閉上了其中一些眼睛,但總有別一些還是睜著的。

For the past 35 years , the boy scouts have used the danish - built argus as a floating classroom . in february , it was found to have dry rot and the estimated 1 . 5 million needed for repairs made the vessel too costly to keep , boy scouts spokeswoman lara fisher said tuesday 據路透社5月17日報道,美童子軍組織的女發言人拉拉費舍爾日前表示,在過去的35年里,該組織一直將這艘由丹麥制造且被命名為阿爾戈斯號的帆船當做一個海上浮動教室來使用。

As well as monteiro de barros a businessman linked to the portuguese and us oil sectors the new refinery in sines some 150 kilometers south of lisbon will also be partially owned by one of portugal s largest seaports and us investors as part of british company argus 德巴羅斯是聯系葡萄牙與美國石油業的商人。新煉油廠建設在錫尼什,位于里斯本南部150公里處。煉油廠的其它股東還有葡最大的海港,美國投資商,以及英國argus公司。

The national wireless management committee established the national wireless short - wave monitors network system project . initial stage in this project , it adopts the short wave and the argus monitors system that research to manufacture monitors to harmonious work 針對無線電通信中的短波管理,國家無線電管理委員會設立了國家無線電短波監測網絡系統項目,通過這樣的監測網絡,達到對短波通信的有效管理。

In order to improve panther ' s performance , various powerplants were tested and experimentally mounted including , aircooled man / argus , modified aircraft bmw and diesel daimler - benz engine 為了提高黑豹的性能,測試和試驗安裝了不同的動力裝置,包括man /阿耳弋斯的空冷發動機,由飛機發動機改進而來的bmw發動機和戴姆勒奔馳的柴油發動機。

Unusual peacocks are the argus pheasant , with eyelike spots on its secondary flight feathers , and the white peacock , thought to be a mutation of the common peafowl 不尋常的孔雀是阿耳弋斯(百眼巨人)般的雉,在第二飛羽上擁有眼睛狀斑點,白孔雀,就被認為是普通孔雀的變種。

Now argus had a hundred eyes in his head , and never went to sleep with more than two at a time , so that he kept watch of io constantly 且說,阿爾戈斯頭上長了一百只眼睛,每逢睡覺時,只閉上一、兩只眼睛就夠了。因此伊俄無時無刻不在他的監視之中。

She would have stretched out her arms to implore freedom of argus , but that she had no arms to stretch out and her voice was a bellow 她多么想伸出雙臂乞求阿爾戈斯放了她啊。可是她卻沒有可伸出的雙臂,發出的聲音也只是牛的吼叫。

Argus gmbh & co . kg offer to you other fittings and trade companies in addition also info on bonding Kg是一家誠信的、高效能的生產商和服務商,該公司提供新型的、專門的產品,例如擔保、責任,貿易公司,其它附件。

The eyes of argus juno took and scattered as ornaments on the tail of her peacock , where they remain to this day 朱諾取下阿爾戈斯的眼睛,撒在她的孔雀的尾巴上作為裝飾,直到今天這些眼睛還呆在老地方。

Greece - the emblem of the bird - god phaon . associated with hera , who is credited with scattering the “ argus eyes “ over its tail 希臘? ?象征著神鳥腓胺,伴隨著赫拉,尾部散發著“阿耳弋斯的眾多眼睛” 。

Argus scan is an aggressive omnidirectional laser bar code scanner with a large , high - speed scan area Ms7220 argusscan是一種大范圍高速度掃描和性能優越的全向多線式激光條形碼掃描儀。

Dressed up as a shepherd , hermes lulled argus to sleep with his sweet songs and long stories , then killed him and set io free 赫耳墨斯喬裝成牧羊人給阿剛斯唱悅耳動聽的歌,講冗入睡。

Before mercury had finished this deeply soothing story he saw the eyes of argus all asleep 這個深深溫撫人心的故事還沒有講完,墨丘利就看到阿爾戈斯的眼睛一只只地昏昏睡去。

Exchange is to sends order to argus , and receives result from the argus 交換主要完成短波系統向argus發送正確的監測命令,接收從argus返回的監測命令結果文檔。

Argus listened with delight 阿爾戈斯聽得心曠神怡。

Then she left the cow to the care of a hundred eyed monster , argus 赫拉便將牛犢托付給百眼魔鬼阿剛斯看管。