
argumentum n.〔拉丁語〕 = argument. argument...

Subjective aspect , argumentum the traffic cause trouble abearance is human two kind negligence circumstance scilicet the negligence of the fault the gist and overconfident negligence , versus judge the human foresight in abearance ability , criminal negligence the inside how the human diligentia in abearance onus problem adduced own notion , combining versus the abroad of mutually in reliance on “ the axiom proceeded the rating . in the objective aspects , argumentum three components of the traffic cause trouble sin and the scope of the atmospher e terms of the road accident occurrence . in the aspect of object , point out the traffic cause trouble the object of the sin is a transportation safety 主觀方面,論證了交通肇事行為人主觀上的兩種過失情形即疏忽大意的過失和過于自信的過失,對怎樣判斷行為人的預見能力、過失犯罪中行為人的注意義務問題進行了探討,并對國外的“相互信賴”原則進行了評價。客觀方面,論述了交通肇事罪客觀上的四個構成要件和交通事故發生的范圍問題。在客體方面,指出了交通肇事罪侵犯的客體是交通運輸安全。


Subjective aspect , argumentum the traffic cause trouble abearance is human two kind negligence circumstance scilicet the negligence of the fault the gist and overconfident negligence , versus judge the human foresight in abearance ability , criminal negligence the inside how the human diligentia in abearance onus problem adduced own notion , combining versus the abroad of mutually in reliance on “ the axiom proceeded the rating . in the objective aspects , argumentum three components of the traffic cause trouble sin and the scope of the atmospher e terms of the road accident occurrence . in the aspect of object , point out the traffic cause trouble the object of the sin is a transportation safety 主觀方面,論證了交通肇事行為人主觀上的兩種過失情形即疏忽大意的過失和過于自信的過失,對怎樣判斷行為人的預見能力、過失犯罪中行為人的注意義務問題進行了探討,并對國外的“相互信賴”原則進行了評價。客觀方面,論述了交通肇事罪客觀上的四個構成要件和交通事故發生的范圍問題。在客體方面,指出了交通肇事罪侵犯的客體是交通運輸安全。

In the aspects of corpus , argumentum driving not the person of the motor vehicle , manpower ship and the personnel of car head ( exercitor , contract for the body ) , pedestrian , go by car the body can become the re of the traffic cause trouble sin corpus 在主體方面,主要論證了駕駛非機動車輛、人力船舶的行為人和車輛主管人員(所有人、承包人) 、行人、乘車人能夠成為交通肇事罪主體的理由。

Contact with a goldring , they say . argumentum ad feminam , as we said in old rome and ancient greece in the consulship of diplodocus and ichthyo saurus 他瘸腿,駝背,患有腦水腫,下巴突出,前額凹陷,長著阿里斯洛珀417式的鼻子。

The operand is an 8 - bit integer containing the ordinal of a local variable or an argumenta 該操作數為包含局部變量或參數的序號的8位整數。

The argumentum about the problem of city salesmanships 城市經營中的營銷分析