
argument n.1.爭論,辯論,論證。2.論據,論點。3.(書籍等的...


She stood our argument on its head . 她駁倒了我們的論點。

Upon what do his arguments bottom ? 他的論據以什么為基礎?

How would you respond to mr. richman's arguments ? 你覺得理契曼先生的話如何?

After much argument we thrashed out a plan . 我們經充分地討論制定出一個計劃。

It is not a logically compelling argument . 它在邏輯上并不是令人信服的理由。

She reflected that his argument was probably true . 她心想他的理由也可能對。

There are several weak spots in your argument . 你的論點中有幾處經不起推敲。

What was the thrust of his argument ? 他的論據的要點是什么?

All these ideological arguments were raging . 這些意識形態的爭論在激烈展開。

The heat has gone out of the argument . 辯論已不那么激烈了。

His arguments were logical and hard to fault . 他的議論合乎邏輯而難于挑剔。

The argument was becoming too personal . 那場爭論已演變成過分的人身攻擊了。

The arguments are founded on facts and compel conviction . 令人不得不信服。

His arrival set the scene for another argument . 他一來就要另有一場爭論了。

After the argument she stormed off . 經過爭論之后她憤然離開。

He had begun this argument purposely . 他故意挑起了這場辯論。

There is no any room for argument on that point . 在爭論這問題上不留余地。

He deluged me, overwhelmed me with argument . 他以雄辯淹沒了我,壓倒了我。

She knocked the bottom out of our argument . 她把我們的論點駁得體無完膚。