
arguer n.辯論者,爭論者。


The third section analyses mr . wang ' s artistic meaning of putting the view of literary language into effect on the practice of literary creation , linked to the remarks of the writers and arguers of ancient and modern . it interprets the poetic beauty of literature in four aspects as implicative beauty , pedestrian beauty , suggested beauty and flowing beauty 第三章分析汪曾祺文學語言觀貫徹在文學創作實踐中所蘊含的審美意味,結合古今作家、文論家的論述,從意蘊美、平淡美、暗示美與流動美四個方面闡述其文學語言的詩性美。

On the one hand , on the basis of analyzing the relationship between criminal lawsuit and civil lawsuit as well as with reference to the basis constitution of suit , it arguer that civil lawsuit attached to criminal lawsuit is a kind of special civil lawsuit , and thus delimits it in terms of its nature 第二部分題為刑事附帶民事訴訟制度的性質與價值取向。一方面從分析刑事附帶民事訴訟制度中刑事訴訟與附帶民事訴訟的關系入手,以訴的基本構成為參照,論證了刑事附帶民事訴訟是一種特殊的民事訴訟這一本質,從性質上為制度重構界定方向。

To make the argument more convincing , the arguer would have to provide more specific evidence concerning the relationship between eating breakfast at school and not absent from school & better performance 可能是學生的家長給他們準備了營養豐富,搭配科學的健康早餐,才使得他們體力充沛,活力四射,當然比沒吃早餐的學生表現好,甚至比吃學校垃圾早餐的學生表現好。

In sum , if the author can not make clear the reason for both the companies ' and job hunters ' condition we could not believe the reasons that the arguer gives 這段不很懂。作者想用工資高繼續補充前面的就業機會增加,來說明找到工作的人生活狀況好。

Ex : 1 . to sum up , the conclusion lacks credibility because the evidence cited in the analysis does not lend strong support to what the arguer maintains 這個結論是缺少可信度的,因為這段分析里所引用的證據并不能強有力的支持作者的主張。

Besides monetary consideration , the arguer should take into account the buildings ' inspirit use and historical values 恩,歷史性可以作為附加來討論,并且加上其和經濟的關系,比如參觀旅游和對城市形象的影響可能帶來的收入。

To sum up , lacking enough evidence and reasonable analysis , the arguer ' s conclusion is not convincing 作者的詞匯使用功底深厚,只是有時候不要總是寫長句子,適當的寫些短句,突出一下重點。

But critics of online relationships arguer that no one can truly know another person in cyberspace 但是網絡戀情的批評者認為沒有人能夠真正在網絡空間認識一個人。

When an arguer argues dispassionately he thinks only of the argument 當一個辯論者不動感情于爭辯,他只是為爭辯而辯。