
arguable adj.可論證的,可爭辯的,有疑義的。

Some members view the financing arrangements for infrastructural projects involving land grant as comprising an element of government subsidy and take it as part of the “ land disposal policy “ . i find it arguable to discuss this issue in such a manner 有些議員將涉及批地的基建項目融資安排,視為政府提供補貼,并將這些安排視為批地政策一部分,我認為用這些方式來提出討論是值得商榷的。

While few would object to the inclusion of fighting , cutting classes and disrespect for teachers into the discussion , it is arguable that boys - like girls should be labeled as “ problem students “ 把打架、曠課、對師長不敬等行為列入討論范圍內,那是不會有多少人反對的,然而把男性化的女生貼上“問題學生”的標簽,卻有很大的爭議。

The paper concludes that in the course of improving the socialist market economy in china , it is arguable to make “ antimonopoly law “ against economic monopoly 本文認為,在中國完善社會主義市場經濟體制進程中,制定針對經濟壟斷的《反壟斷法》是值得懷疑的。


In order to benefit from this new technique without any dangers , on the basis of the arguable contents , the paper put forward a series of principals with the knowledge of systematical philosophy , mathematics and ecological . agriculture : welfare principal , invariable principal of gene , non - spread principal of gene , equal principal of substance and informed perfectible principal . and then we establish a model of evaluating the social effects of gmo 為了從這種新技術成果中獲得好處,同時又不會帶來風險,本文以爭論的內容為基礎,從轉基因作物能比傳統農作物帶來更多的社會效益的角度出發,運用系統哲學、生態農業和數學的一些知識,提出了轉基因作物研究和推廣中遵循的一系列原則:福利原則、基因穩定性原則、基因不擴散原則、實質等同性原則、以及知情選擇原則,并進而建立起評價具體的轉基因作物的社會效益的模型。

The contrasting colors of purple in the background , bright yellow in a heart , and red and dark brown in the border around the heart add an uplifting sensation to the painting like white clouds in the middle of the sky , going against earth s gravity to enter into the boundless cosmos . the viewer feels as if he is being upheld by an invisible power to be free from the influence of naked eye observation so as to hear the subtle vibrations resonating from the flickering colors found in each brush stroke of the enlightened artist . he is able to enjoy wonderful mysteries and feel fine tuned frequencies , which are indescribable in worldly language and not arguable by the earthly mind 那些對比色:紫色的底金黃色的中心紅色棕色的邊,讓整幅畫清爽流利,像天空中的一片云突破地球引力奔向浩瀚宇宙,觀賞的人好像得到無形力量的貫注,不再局限在凡夫的眼界,而能在那些水遇無痕的筆法布局中,用心傾聽出顏色的微細振動,從行云流水的線條中,隱現出開悟神奇奧秘的享受,感受到那微細的高頻率波段不可說的天籟。

With the development of gmo , it produces a large deal of arguments . this paper will analyze the arguable contents : ( 1 ) different effects of gmo : rising the crop ' s yield , improving the environment quality and the nutriment ingredient of plant , ( 2 ) many dangers of gmo : endangering the environment and the health of people 本文具體分析人們爭論的內容: ( 1 )轉基因作物帶來的各種效益:提高農作物單位面積產量、改善環境質量、改善作物的營養成分等; ( 2 )轉基因作物的各種潛在風險:對環境的風險以及對人們健康的風險。

People still remember , i believe , the heated discussion not long ago about the disciplinary problems of some girl students . while few would object to the inclusion of fighting , cutting classes and disrespect for teachers into the discussion , it is arguable that boys - like girls should be labelled as problem students 把打架曠課對師長不敬等行為列入紀律問題范圍內,那是不會引來多大異議的,然而把男性化的女生貼上“問題學生”的標簽,卻令人難以理解。

It is arguable but nevertheless persuasive , according to many of my british collegues , that the most effecive method of dealing with the long ball is to fight fire with fire and to return every ball back to your opponent in the same manner as you received it 雖然有爭議但是有說服力,按照我的很多英國同事的說法,處理長傳球的最有效方法是以毒攻毒,當你接到球后,用同樣的方式把每個球都踢回給對方。

Some members view the financing arrangements for infrastructural projects involving land grant as comprising an element of government subsidy and take it as part of the “ land disposal policy “ . i find it arguable to discuss this issue in such a manner 有些議員將涉及批地的基建項目融資安排,視為政府提供補貼,并將這些安排視為批地政策一部分,我認為用這些方式來提出討論是值得商榷的。

It is , of course , arguable whether there is a need for such correlation or causal relationship , and if so , whether the market can be relied upon to produce the optimum arrangements in due course without official sector involvement 這兩者之間是否需要相關或因果的關系,當然見仁見智,但如果確實有此需要,我們能否在沒有官方參與下完全倚賴市場在適當時候定出理想的安排?

Meanwhile , whether the shareholders , unwitting buyers and the creditors have the insurable interest or not is still arguable . the third part cares for the principle of insurable interest applied in life insurance 第三部分針對人身保險可保利益的認定所引發的爭論,指出可保利益原則同樣可以適用于人身保險,只是人身保險中可保利益的認定與財產保險有所不同。

While few would object to the inclusion of fighting , cutting classes and disrespect for teachers into the discussion , it is arguable that boys - like girls should be labeled as “ problem students “ 把打架、曠課、對師長不敬等行為列入討論范圍內,那是不會有多少人反對的,然而把男性化的女生貼上“問題學生”的標簽,卻有很大的爭議。

The second part focuses on three typical kinds of possession security - pledge , mortgage , and lien . this part introduces the theoretical background and probes into the arguable problems in present laws 第二部分對三種典型擔保物權? ?抵押權、質權、留置權作了理論介紹,并對當前立法中有爭議的問題進行了探討。

It is , however , also arguable that the responsibility to carry such costs do in fact come with the banking franchise and therefore the privilege to enjoy the differential between deposit and lending rates 但反過來說,銀行獲發經營牌照后可享存貸息差的權利,因此有責任要承擔這些服務的成本,也是不無道理。

The paper concludes that in the course of improving the socialist market economy in china , it is arguable to make “ antimonopoly law “ against economic monopoly 本文認為,在中國完善社會主義市場經濟體制進程中,制定針對經濟壟斷的《反壟斷法》是值得懷疑的。

In the following few weeks , john slowly changed : he became docile instead of being offensive , and he was no more arguable but able to discuss calmly 在接下來的幾周內,約翰慢慢地變了:變得聽話而不再故意作對,遇事能心平氣和地商討而不再強詞奪理。

Presently it is still arguable whether tender offer has benefited the offeror , target corporate and even the whole economy 至于要約收購是否對收購者、目標公司乃至整個經濟有利,目前仍是一個有爭議的問題。

By analyzing some different viewpoints , the author provides some ideas about several arguable problems as follows 本文通過對各種不同觀點的系統分析,對結果加重犯中的基本問題提出了自己的看法。

It ' s arguable that the need for pooling is rare , so there ' s seldom a need to apply pooling to a large number of business objects 因為一般對緩存的需要很少,所以很少有緩存很多業務對象的需要。