
argo n.1.【希臘神話】亞爾古舟〔賈森找金羊毛所乘的船〕。2...


Because it ’ s hard to get radiation - harden hardware overseas , so the software fault tolerance techniques are significant for our national space enterprise . the computer platform of 863 plan project ” micro intelligent free - flying space robotic system ” consists of cots component . the orbit and the radiation environment of the robot are similar to ones of the argos satellite , and the system is required to have high reliability . therefore it ’ s necessary to applied the software fault tolerance techniques into the system to improve the anti - radiation capability after the techniques been verified valid 因為我國很難從國外獲得輻射加固的硬件,所以,這項軟件容錯技術對我國航天事業的發展具有較大意義。 863計劃項目“小型智能飛行機器人系統”所用的計算機平臺采用商用器件,其衛星的運行軌道與argos衛星軌道近似,面臨的輻射環境與argos衛星相似,要求具有高可靠性。因此,小型智能飛行機器人系統有必要在驗證sihft技術有效的基礎上,應用軟件容錯技術,提高其空間抗輻射能力。

The american argos satellite has done experiments on the primary anti - radiation measures of cots components , and has obtained valuable experiment datas . the software fault tolerance techniques sihft provide error detection coverage of over 99 % , attracted researchers ’ attention . the experiment has demonstrated that it ’ s possible to satisfy the requirement of space applications by software techniques without special hardwares 其中,軟件容錯技術sihft ( softwareimplementedhardwarefaulttolerance )達到了大于99 %的檢錯覆蓋率,引起了人們的關注。這項實驗說明了在不需要專用硬件的情況下,使用軟件技術也能達到航天應用的可靠性要求。

Even matters of chance seem most marvellous if there is an appearance of design as it were in them ; as for instance the statue of mitys at argos killed the author of mitys ' death by falling down on him when a looker - on at a public spectacle ; for incidents like that we think to be not without a meaning 偶然的事件發生時只要看上去仿佛內在有人為的設計就能取得最神奇的效果;例如阿爾戈斯的米提斯雕像在公開展覽時砸死了在一旁觀看的殺死米提斯的兇手;這樣的事件我們并不認為沒有意義。

The argos is ideally suited for applications such as district regulator and monitor regulator stations , and industrial process gas applications , such as air , nitrogen and argon 它很適合使用于如天然氣輸送與配氣系統上的區域調壓及監控調壓站;然而它亦可被使用于其它許多任務業的氣體如:空氣、氮氣與氬氣的制程中。

The argos regulator is an extremely versatile flow control device for gas applications where pressure reduction is required excellent in performance and easy maintenance are beneficial Argos減壓閥是一非常多用途的流量控制裝置,對瓦斯氣體要求精確減壓控制與維護簡單的使用尤其具效益。

Had pyrrhus not fallen by a beldam s hand in argos or julius caesar not been knifed to death ? they are not to be thought away 倘若皮勒斯并未在阿爾戈斯喪命于一個老太婆手下15 ,或是尤利烏斯愷撒不曾被短劍刺死16呢?

Argos bus services co ltd 非專營巴士

Argo s proportion of general average 共同海損分攤額

The radio , argos transmitter . everything 無線電裝置argos衛星通訊器一切的一切!

The material available on argo city was skimpy suspiciously skimpy . 有關阿爾格城的材料少得可憐,少得出奇。