
argentine adj.銀的;像銀的;銀色的。n.1.銀,銀色金屬。2....

“ the final decision to give him clearance should be made by us and the argentine medical staff . “帶他參加比賽的最后決定應該由我們和阿根廷的醫務人員做出。 ”

“ for me and for all argentines , he will also continue being president , “ she said recently 她在最近的一次講話中說: “他將是我和所有阿根廷人民永遠的總統。 ”


The wool we use includes : australian merino wool chinese wool uruguayan wool argentine wool , etc 我們使用的羊毛包括:澳大利亞美麗奴羊毛烏拉圭羊毛阿根廷羊毛國毛,等等

Its foreign and defence ministries displayed a bumbling incompetence that actively encouraged the argentine folly 外交部和國防部長的無能有力的慫恿了阿根廷的愚蠢。

Appiano gentile - kily gonz lez is back from a highly successful summer with the argentine national team 從阿根廷國家隊歸來的基利?岡薩雷斯度過了一個成功的夏天。

The first financial crisis broke out in argentine and the thailand underwent the worst suffering 阿根廷和泰國分別是這兩次金融危機的起源國,也是受害最嚴重的國家。

“ the final decision to give him clearance should be made by us and the argentine medical staff . “帶他參加比賽的最后決定應該由我們和阿根廷的醫務人員做出。 ”

Argentine initiates distribute gifts to the children of needy families in celebration of children s day 適逢兒童節,阿根廷同修也分送禮物給貧困家庭的兒童。

“ for me and for all argentines , he will also continue being president , “ she said recently 她在最近的一次講話中說: “他將是我和所有阿根廷人民永遠的總統。 ”

It was the first time that argentine practitioners had participated in a net conference with the quan yin family 這是此地同修首度加入觀音家族的網路會議。

The agent of lazio midfielder cristian ledesma admits the argentine is a long - term target for juventus 萊德斯馬的經紀人承認阿根廷人是尤文的一個長期目標

Six cubs from a rare white tiger have been put on display in an argentine zoo for the first time 六只稀有的白虎幼崽首次在阿根廷的一家動物園與游客見面。

But soon the solidarity of the argentine people and international relief groups would manifest 不過阿根廷民眾很快就團結起來,而國際援助也陸續地到來。

Deschamps is a big fan of the argentine striker , as confirmed during friday ' s press conference 德尚很欣賞阿根廷前鋒,這同樣在星期五的記者會上被證實

In 1982 , argentine forces surrendered to british troops on the disputed falkland islands 1982年,阿根廷軍隊在備受爭議的福克蘭群島向英軍投降。

The primary task for the troupe is to preserve and spread argentine folk dance and music 藝術團的主要任務是保護和傳播阿根廷的民族音樂和舞蹈。

Moreover , the republic of paraguay decided to apply the argentine civil code until 1986 另外,巴拉圭共和國直到1986年都適用阿根廷民法典。

The argentine troops were bombed every day by the british heavy air and sea weapons 駐馬島阿軍每天遭到英國空軍和海軍的空襲和炮擊。

Relationship between argentine government and chinese government in the 20th century 20世紀阿根廷政府與市場的關系及其對中國的啟示