
argentina n.阿根廷〔拉丁美洲〕。

No , “ che “ in argentina means “ hey “ 不,奇在阿根廷語里的意思是嘿!

No , “ che “ in argentina means “ hey . 不, “奇”在阿根廷是用來打招呼用的!


1935 carl von ossietzky germany 1936 carlos de saavedra lamas argentina 1935年卡爾馮奧西茨基德國

Consulate general of argentina in hong kong 阿根廷駐港總領事館

Southern argentina and chile climatological information main page 智利及阿根廷南部氣候資料主網頁

Northern argentina and chile climatological information main page 智利及阿根廷北部氣候資料主網頁

In 1998 , there was talk of argentina adopting the dollar 一九九八年,在說法稱阿根廷采用了美元。

Climatological information for southern part of argentina and chile 智利及阿根廷南部各地氣候資料

Letters of appreciation santa fe , argentina 感謝函阿根廷圣塔非

After struggling for two years , argentina finally collapsed 在掙扎了兩年后,阿根廷終于崩潰了。

On youth study in brazil and argentina and its implications 阿根廷的青年與青年研究現狀及其啟示

1969 odd hassel norway 1970 luis federico leloir argentina 1970年盧伊斯弗德里科菜洛伊爾阿根廷

Climatological information for southern part of argentina and chile 智利及阿根廷南部氣候資料

Just listen to that the voice of argentina 聆聽一下阿根廷的歡呼聲

No , “ che “ in argentina means “ hey “ 不,奇在阿根廷語里的意思是嘿!

Finally the team from argentina won the championship 最后,這支來自阿根廷的隊伍奪得了冠軍。

Argentina and hong kong , 24 january 2002 阿根廷與香港, 2002年1月24日

Por qu en la argentina no hay racismo 為什么在阿根廷沒有種族歧視

Now , in argentina , the studies of law last five years 現在,在阿根廷讀法律需要五年時間。