
arete n.〔法語〕險峻的山脊;【地質學;地理學】刃嶙。

Arete and norm , moral norms and disordered moral , “ norm world “ and “ meaning world “ , these three pairs of concepts will also be expounded theoretically in this part 在此基礎上,筆者對德性與規范、道德規范與道德失范、 “規范世界”與“意義世界”三對概念作了理論澄清式的闡釋。


The confucian thinkers held that morality could rebuild the world , provided a society - reformation program which relied on the arete of gentlemen and the prince to found the ideal country and liberated life in the sense of morality , and here , moral education came to be of great importance in this process 第一部分首先對深刻影響中國德育的歷史與現實進程的儒家德育思想進行簡要梳理,并依據唯物史觀,分析了儒家道德救世思路的空想性、儒家道德理想社會與道德人生的歷史局限性及儒家思想體系本身的矛盾與困難。

Confucian thinkers designed a different kind of education , which was in fact a basic part of their positive attempt to change the society with the moral energy of the gentleman who had developed pure arete and noble character . while there was no room for confucian critical education and practice in real life , the confucian gentleman was rather lonely with setbacks in political and educational issues 由儒學大師倡導、開展的道德教育是其“圣王”追求的積極實踐的一部分,執教者及自我教育者希望培養德性純粹、人格高尚因而具有變革混亂現實的道德力量的君子人格;這種極具批判精神的教育在現實社會中舉步維艱,儒家君子政治、教育實踐中屢遭挫敗的人生際遇可以“孤獨”二字概括。

Arete and norm , moral norms and disordered moral , “ norm world “ and “ meaning world “ , these three pairs of concepts will also be expounded theoretically in this part 在此基礎上,筆者對德性與規范、道德規范與道德失范、 “規范世界”與“意義世界”三對概念作了理論澄清式的闡釋。

< i > monsieur , aretes vous ! < / i > 先生,請停車