
ares n.【希臘神話】阿瑞斯〔戰神,相當于羅馬神話中的 Mar...

The hill was ever after called areopagus , “ the hill of ares “ , and the judges received the names of areopagitae 從那以后,這座山就稱作雅典的最高法院,即“阿瑞斯之山” ;而出審的法官們被稱作雅典最高法院的法官。


Athena : where even now , my brother , ares lays siege . as we speak , athens is on the verge of destruction . it is the will of ares , my great city falls 雅典娜: “就在此刻,我的兄弟,戰神阿瑞斯正在著手圍攻雅典。就在我們談論的此刻,雅典已經瀕臨毀滅。阿瑞斯的意愿,就是讓我保護的偉大城市淪陷。 ”

Narrator : by defeating ares , kratos , the once mortal warrior became the new god of war . however , kratos soon found himself alone on olympus , shunned by his fellow gods 旁白者:在擊敗戰神阿瑞斯之后,曾經是凡人戰士的奎托斯,成了新一代的戰神。盡管如此,他在奧林巴斯飽受眾神孤立,倍感孤獨。

In 2006 , we have built xinling tricycle industry basement , total ares add up to over 20000 square meters , specialized in developing and sales of tricycle ' s new products 2006年,新陵公司又投巨資3000萬元建成新陵三輪車產業基地,總建筑面積達20000多平方米,專業從事三輪車領域新產品開發和銷售。

Gaea : by defeating ares , kratos , the once mortal warrior , became the new god of war , however , kratos soon found himself alone on olympus , shun by his fellow gods 蓋亞:在戰勝戰神阿瑞斯后,曾是凡人戰士的奎托斯成了新一代戰神,盡管如此,他在飽受眾神孤立的奧林匹斯山脈上倍感孤寂。

Narrator : and at once , kratos knew who was responsible . for this was not the first time hed seen the ruin ares , and his minions had left in their wake 講述者: “馬上,克瑞托斯就知道了誰該為這一切負責。這不是第一次他看到阿瑞斯的破壞了,這也是阿瑞斯的寵兒所干的好事。 ”

Launched by a multi - stage ares 5 rocket , the spacecraft will go into orbit around the earth before docking with the international space station 該飛船將由多級“阿瑞斯5 ”號(阿瑞斯,希臘神話中的戰神)發射,在和國際空間站對接之前進入圍繞地球旋轉的軌道。

Because of his familiarity with the local geography , ares was hired by baron apros to capture his runaway bride , rauny winzalf , dead or alive 由于他對當地地理環境頗為熟悉,被亞普羅斯雇傭來尋捕他出逃的未婚妻,勞妮?溫沙爾夫,無論死活。

( 2 ) the relationship of magmatic movement of different areas in the basin is close , magamtic rocks of different ares have certain relation 蘭坪盆地東、西兩側及中部地區不同區域巖漿巖活動關系密切,在成因上有一定的聯系。

Launched by a multi - stage ares 5 rocket , the spacecraft will go into orbit around the earth before docking with the international space station 該航空器由多級阿瑞斯5型火箭發射,在和國際空間站對接前將先進入繞地球軌道。

Launched by a multi - stage ares 5 rocket , the spacecraft will go into orbit around the earth before docking with the international space station 使用多級阿瑞斯5型火箭發射,宇宙飛船在與國際空間站對接之前將進入繞地軌道。

Launched by a multi - stage ares 5 rocket , the spacecraft will go into orbit around the earth before docking with the international space station 太空船由多級阿瑞斯5型火箭發射,在進入繞地球的軌道后與國際空間站對接。

Launched by a multi - stage ares 5 rocket , the spacecraft will go into orbit around the earth before docking with the international space station 太空船被多級阿瑞斯5號火箭發射,在泊入國際空間站之前將進入環地軌道。

The hill was ever after called areopagus , “ the hill of ares “ , and the judges received the names of areopagitae 從那以后,這座山就稱作雅典的最高法院,即“阿瑞斯之山” ;而出審的法官們被稱作雅典最高法院的法官。

It has a total shop floor ares of over 15 , 000 , 00 sqm , and employing over 80 staffs 這一投資上百萬美元的工廠配有最先進的生產設施,占地總面積超過15 , 000 . 00平方米,擁有員工人數80余人。

This unit ' s gross ares is one thousand and five hundred square feet , which is the largest unit on this floor 這單位的建筑面積是一千五百平方英尺,在這樓層是最大的單位

The gross area is one thousand square feet , and the net ares is seven hundred and eighty - eight square feet 建筑面積是一千平方英尺,使用面積是七百八十平方英尺。

You hands had already stained by the blood of a god . i will not let ares ' fate be my own 你的雙手已經沾滿了眾神的鮮血我是不會讓阿瑞斯的命運在我身上重演的。

Narrator : far away , in athens , ares knew kratos had succeeded in his quest 講述者: “在遙遠的一段,雅典城,阿瑞斯知道克瑞托斯已經完成了他的任務。 ”