
areola n.(pl. areolas, -lae )1.小空隙。...


At last we discuss vega special effect model . in fifth part we use multigen and vega implement a system which is a virtua l areola we can walk through , the modeling of the system and the motion model is mainly discussed . the last part mainly discuss the application and the future of vr technology 第五部分用multigen和vega實現了一個對虛擬小區進行漫游的系統,主要介紹該系統的建模以及運用vega創建運動模型實現漫游。最后一部分主要介紹了虛擬現實技術在各個方面的應用,以及虛擬現實技術的前景。

As the intelligentification system of parking lot of the areola example , the application of the computer technique in the management of intelligentification areola was discussed 摘要以小區停車場智能管理系統為例,論述了計算機技術在智能小區管理中的應用。

First , press the fingers slightly inwards towards the chest wall . then gently bring your forefinger & thumb together pressing behind the nipple & areola , and release 首先,把手指朝向肋骨輕壓,然后用食指及拇指在乳頭和乳暈后方輕輕擠壓,跟著放松。

Because the case was not associated with ichthyosis or epidermal nevus , we think it best fits into the category of nevoid hyperkeratosis of the nipple and areola 因為此病例沒有魚鱗癬及表皮母斑的病史,因此我們認為本病例為母斑型的乳頭及乳暈過角化癥。

Results : the shape of all patients ' breasts were very nice , and their papillas and areola of breasts has recovered well postoperatively , their incisions has healed well 結果:術后乳房外形良好,乳頭、乳暈成活好,切口大部分愈合良好。

Method to resect tumor and some gland through inferolateral fold and areola mammae incision and to implant prosthesis to the posterior pectoralis major space 方法乳房下皺襞、乳暈切口切除腫瘤及腺體,胸大肌后間隙植入假體。

A small benign intraductal papilloma appears here in a breast duct , typically in one of the main lactiferous ducts beneath the areola 圖示乳腺導管中的小的良性導管內乳頭狀瘤,代表性地出現于乳暈下的一個主要輸乳管內。

We report a case of the nevoid form of hyperkeratosis of the nipple and areola with successful treatment by urea ointment 我們報告一例以尿素藥膏成功治療的乳頭及乳過角化癥。

Clinically the typical lesions are characterized by verrucous thickening and brown pigmentation of the nipple and areola 典型的臨床表現為乳頭及乳暈上有疣狀增厚及棕色斑塊。

Place your thumb & forefinger on opposite sides of the areola , while the other fingers gently support the breast 拇指及食指對放在乳暈上下兩旁,其他手指則輕輕承托著乳房。

Before feeding , apply warm compress ( can use warm towels ) to the breast ( avoiding the nipple & areola ) 喂哺前熱敷乳房(可用暖毛巾) ,但要避免敷及乳頭及乳暈部分。

Hold your breast with thumb on top and four fingers underneath , and keep your fingers away from the areola 將拇指放在乳房側,承托乳房,注意手指盡量遠離乳暈。

Hyperkeratosis of the nipple and areola is a rare entity with unique clinical manifestations 摘要乳頭及乳暈過角化癥為一罕見且擁有獨特臨床表現之疾病。

Gently feel for the small thickenings of milk sinuses beneath or around the margins of the areola 輕輕摸索在乳暈周圍或之下微脹的乳竇。

Her breast enlarge , with areola taking on a deeper color and nipple becoming more prominent 乳房逐漸豐滿,乳暈色素增加,乳頭外突。

2 . droopy , loose , unshaped breasts with cyanosis areola after lactation 2 .哺乳后乳房下垂,松弛變形乳暈青紫者

Research and implementation of the areola property management based on web 的網絡管理系統的研究與實現

The analysis of green housing areola development in china 綠色生態住宅小區在中國的發展分析

More areola is seen above the baby s lips than below 乳暈露出寶寶雙唇的部分上面比下面多。