
arena n.1.古羅馬圓形劇場中央的競技場;(一般的)競技場所。...

Yes , it took place at the workers “ indoor arena 是的,在工人體育館舉行的。

arena theater

The circus elephants were led into the arena 馬戲團的大象被帶進競技場。

[ man on p . a . ] we certainly have a new . star in the arena 我們確信發現了一位表演新星

And two shows saturday at the union arena 有兩場表演,星期六在聯盟競技場

Practice ice skating arena of the houston aeroes 最適宜一家人玩樂。尤其是團體活動。

The world is as an arena of moral conflict 世界像一個道義沖突的競爭場所

Subway stations , hospitals and sports arenas , sir 地鐵站,醫院還有體院館

Jewelry from formosa reaches international arena 福爾摩沙珠寶登上國際舞臺

On the status of pianwen in the literary arena of tang dynasty 論駢文在唐代文壇的地位

By now the english literary arena appeared two big trends 這時英國文壇出現兩大走向。

Arena points rewards oughta be self - explanatory 競技場獎勵是務須多說的。

She entered the political arena after her husband ' s death 她丈夫死后,她進入了政界。

Certainly there has been amazing progress in this arena 當然這一舞臺上有了極大發展。

Can ' t fill no arena . they got to let me fight 打不了什么正經比賽他們干嘛不讓我去打

Make sure you check out the arena fights 確保你已經檢查好了競技場的設備!

Line up please . follow me to leave the competition arena 請排隊,跟我離開此比賽場地

Yes , it took place at the workers “ indoor arena 是的,在工人體育館舉行的。

Q : where can i check out and purchase the arena rewards 競技場獎勵能夠在哪里查詢?

An arena where contests and spectacles are held 競技場所舉行比賽或表演的圓形角斗場