
areca n.1.【植物;植物學】檳榔屬。2.〔a-〕檳榔;檳榔樹...

“ they used to come for food , coconuts and bananas , “ said m . rajendran , who runs a roadside tea shop on the edge of the reserve . “ now , they come for tobacco and paan an addictive mixture of betel leaves and areca nut . “他們以前來這里是為了獲取食物椰子和香蕉,但是現在他們的目標變成了香煙和哌安一種由萎葉和檳榔果制成的混合物,食用容易使人上癮。 ”

areca nut

“ they used to come for food , coconuts and bananas , “ said m . rajendran , who runs a roadside tea shop on the edge of the reserve . “ now , they come for tobacco and paan an addictive mixture of betel leaves and areca nut . “他們以前來這里是為了獲取食物椰子和香蕉,但是現在他們的目標變成了香煙和哌安一種由萎葉和檳榔果制成的混合物,食用容易使人上癮。 ”

His village home lay there at the end of the waste land , beyond the sugar - cane field , hidden among the shadows of the banana and the slender areca palm , the cocoa - nut and the dark green jack - fruit trees 他的鄉村的家坐落在荒涼的邊上,在甘蔗田的后面,躲藏在香蕉樹,瘦長的檳榔樹,椰子樹和深綠色的賈克果樹的陰影里。

His village home lay there at the end of the waste land , beyond the sugar - cane field , hidden among the shadows of the banana and the slender areca palm , the coconut and the dark green jack - fruit trees 他的家就在荒地邊緣的村莊里,在甘蔗園之后,隱藏在香蕉樹、細長檳榔樹、椰子樹以及深綠榴蓮樹的濃蔭里。

His village home lay there at the end of the waste land , beyond the sugar - cane field , hidden among the shadows of the banana and the slender areca - palm , the coconut and the dark green jack - fruit trees 他的家就在荒地邊緣的村落里,穿過甘蔗園,隱匿在香蕉樹和瘦長的檳榔樹以及椰子樹的深綠色的榴蓮的陰影里。

Other items include lotus seeds , lily , sesame , areca nut , red beans , green beans , red dates , red string , lai see and jewelries 其它則有蓮子、百合、芝麻、檳榔、紅豆、綠豆、紅棗、紅頭繩、利是、首飾等。

Gao shi : the government forbids people to chew areca in order to help keep the city clean , but at the wed - ding , they are allowed 高師:為了保護環境的清潔,市政府禁止人們嚼檳榔,但舉行婚禮時,這是允許的。

Dappled by the shadows of areca palms in the glow of the setting sun , the water caltrop fields of kuantien appear even more charming 在檳榔樹影映襯的夕陽馀暉中,波光粼粼的官田鄉菱角田,更顯水鄉情柔。

Clinical observation on curative effect of compound areca gargle on dental plaque and gingivitis 復方檳榔含漱液對控制菌斑和消除牙齦炎療效觀察

Bride : thank you . would you like areca 新娘子:謝謝!請吃檳榔。

A probe into the areca culture in southeast asia 東南亞檳榔文化探析

Mrs . brown : are those people chewing areca 布朗太太:那些人是在嚼檳榔嗎?