
area n.1.面積;平地;地面。2.空地;〔英國〕地下室前的空...

The whole area will be called “olympic city“ . 整個地區將命名為“奧林匹克城。”

area bell

The dialect is spoken principally in the rural areas . 該方言主要通行于農村地區。

The area under the response curve will be unchanged . 響應曲線面積沒有什么變化。

This flower grows on a hilly area . 這種花生長在山地上。

A series of sandstone beds may crop out in one area . 一組砂巖層可在某地區露出。

Commodities are transported to border areas by truck . 卡車把貨物輸往邊疆地區。

The whole area will be called “olympic city“ . 整個地區將命名為“奧林匹克城。”

And most goitrous areas are far from the sea . 大多數甲狀腺腫的地區都遠離海洋。

The population in this area has increased fourfold . 該地區的人口已增加到四倍。

This is definitely a restricted area . 這里是極為秘密的。

Members of 21 minorities live in this area . 這個地區居住有21個少數民族的成員。

In this area are located automatic regulators . 在該區域內有各種自動調節功能。

Some areas are blanketed by superficial deposits . 一些地段為地表沉積所覆蓋。

The whole area they run on is called the track . 進行賽跑的整個地段稱為跑道。

She tells me everything in certain areas . 在某些事情上,她是什么都告訴我的。

Metropolitan area is heavy with state offices . 大都會區到處都有非政府機關。

This area encompasses an enormous variety of fields . 這一領域涉及范圍極大。

There is a considerable literature in this area . 在該領域存有相當多的文獻。

He was brought down in the penalty area . 他在罰球區被撞倒。