
arduous adj.1.費力的,艱巨的。2.奮斗的,努力的。3.險峻...


Weren ' t you worried taking such an arduous trip considering your health 為了你的健康著想這樣長途跋涉,難道你不擔心嗎

After the accomplishment of the present task , there will follow a more arduous one 完成目前任務后,還有更艱巨的任務。

The traditional moral and arduous pioneering education of the minority nationalities 論少數民族傳統道德與艱苦創業教育

It ' s an arduous task 這是一項艱巨的任務。

Fire prevention is always a long - term and arduous task for us humankind 一直以來,火災防治是人類長期而艱巨的任務。

Our task is arduous too , we need to pay more yuan to the cinema 我們的任務也很重,我們需要支付更多的人民幣給電影院

Having me as a father is an arduous undertaking , one that i imposed on you 把我當作你爸爸不容易這些都要加到你身上

The journey was very arduous 旅程非常的艱難。

Not every astronomer thinks that adjustments will be arduous 并非每位天文學家都認為時間的調校是個艱巨的任務。

He mastered these words through the arduous consultation of the dictionary 通過勤查字典,他掌握了這些單詞。

This is an arduous enterprise 這是一項艱難的事業。

Arduous revolution - the spreading of marixst art and literary theory in china 馬克思主義文藝理論在中國的傳播

Your task is arduous , you need to save the chinese film market 你們的任務很重,你們需要拯救中國電影市場

Although the work was arduous , he finished it in a short time 雖然這項工作很費力,他仍然很快就做完了。

We are glad that we have accomplished another arduous task 我們都感到高興因為又完成了一項艱巨的任務。

He is willing to partake of my arduous duties with no hesitation 他毫不猶豫地愿和我分擔艱巨的任務。

It was a slow and arduous task 這是一個緩慢而艱辛的動作。

It ' s a too arduous task for me 這對我來說是個太艱巨的任務

It ' s a very arduous task for me 這對我來說是個太艱巨的任務