
ardour n.1.熱情,熱心。2.〔罕用語〕灼熱。短語和例子pat...

“ she s not so inexperienced as she looks , “ he thought , and thereafter his respect and ardour were increased “她可不像看上去那樣幼稚, ”他想,從此對她更加尊重和熱情。


One afternoon in january , mrs . fairfax had begged a holiday for adele , because she had a cold ; and , as adele seconded the request with an ardour that reminded me how precious occasional holidays had been to me in my own childhood , i accorded it , deeming that i did well in showing pliability on the point 第二年一月的某個下午,因為阿黛勒得了感冒,費爾法克斯太太為她來向我告假。阿黛勒表示熱烈附加,這使我想起自己的童年時代,偶爾的假日顯得有多可貴。于是便同意了,還認為自己在這點上做得很有靈活性。

Karay was an old , misshapen , muddy - coloured hound , famous for attacking an old wolf unaided . all took their places . the old count , who knew his sons ardour in the hunt , hurried to avoid being late , and the whippers - in had hardly reached the place when count ilya andreitch , with a cheerful face , and flushed and quivering cheeks , drove up with his pair of raven horses , over the green field to the place left for him 老伯爵知道他兒子在狩獵之時火氣很大,便趕快駛來,省得遲到,在獵犬訓練管理人還沒有走到圍捕的地方,伊利亞安德烈伊奇就已經乘坐兩匹烏雅駕的馬車,歡天喜地,紅光滿面,腮幫給震得不住地顛動,馬車駛過翠綠的田野,到達留給他的一條獸徑。

Firm as his belief was in the truths revealed to him by his benefactor , the old freemason , and happy as he had been at first in the task of perfecting his inner spiritual self , to which he had devoted himself with such ardour , yet after prince andreys engagement to natasha , and the death of osip alexyevitch , the news of which reached him almost simultaneously , the whole zest of his religious life seemed to have suddenly vanished 無論他怎樣相信他的恩主向他啟示的真理,無論他怎樣充滿熱情為之獻身的內心修煉在開初使他心向神往的時日給予他多大的喜悅,在安德烈公爵和娜塔莎訂婚之后,在約瑟夫阿列克謝耶維奇死去之后他幾乎是同時獲悉這兩件事,從前的生活魅力對他來說忽已消失殆盡。

The emperor accompanied the army in order to excite its patriotic ardour ; but his presence and inability to decide on any course of action and the immense number of counsellors and plans that swarmed about him , nullified all action on the part of the first army , and that army too had to retreat 皇帝親臨軍隊,是為了鼓舞士氣,但是他的御駕親征和猶豫不決,以及大批的顧問出謀獻策,反而破壞了第一軍的戰斗力,于是軍隊后退了。

Every time she held the skimmer under the pump to cool it for the work her hand trembled , the ardour of his affection being so palpable that she seemed to flinch under it like a plant in too burning a sun 她每次把撇奶油的勺子拿到冷水管下面冷卻時,手直發顫,她也可以感覺到他的感情是那樣熾熱,而她就像是猛烈燃燒著的太陽底下的一棵植物,似乎想避開逃走。

Some of them struck me as singularly odd compounds of ardour and flatness ; commencing in strong feeling , and concluding in the affected , wordy way that a schoolboy might use to a fancied , incorporeal sweetheart 有些信使我感到簡直古怪,混雜著熱情和平淡以強烈的情感開始,結尾卻是矯揉造作的?嗦的筆調,如一個中學生寫給他的一個幻想的不真實的情人一樣。

I suppose your love will effervesce in six months , or less . i have observed in books written by men , that period assigned as the farthest to which a husband s ardour extends 我猜想六個月后或者更短一些,你的愛情就會化為泡影,在由男人撰寫的書中,我注意到,那是一個丈夫的熱情所能保持的最長時期。

Encouraged by this use of her christian name she kissed passionately all the various suitable areas of his person which the decencies of prison garb permitted her ardour to reach 聽到這樣稱她的教名她深受鼓舞。于是她就以不至于損害他那身囚衣的體面為度,熱情地吻著他身上所有那些適當的部位。

He is of a studious habit , and unusually energetic ; he applies himself with great ardour to the acquisition of professional knowledge , to the conducting of experiments , to many things 他有用功的習慣,而且精力異常充沛。為了增加業務知識,為了做實驗,為了許多事他都很刻苦。

Hong kong gold coast is a place of romantic mediterranean ardour . the gold coast montmartre offers western arts , music and cultural lovers a venue for sharing 黃金海岸充滿地中海浪漫情調,黃金蒙馬特街頭藝術廣場為西方藝術、音樂及文化愛好者提供一個切磋交流的園地。

Don t cling so tenaciously to ties of the flesh ; save your constancy and ardour for an adequate cause ; forbear to waste them on trite transient objects 不要那么苦苦依戀肉體的關系,把你的堅毅和熱誠留給一項適當的事業,不要將它浪費在平凡而短暫的事情上。

Thanks will be given to those ardent friends i never meet , cause your kindness and ardour will be appreciated forever ! thanks again , god bless you all 我朋友的老婆要生孩子,到時候遇到緊急情況得打120 ,不知道打120是否收費,如果收費,是怎么計費的

I don t know , returned the man , clapping his hands to his mouth nevertheless , and vociferating in a surprising heat and with the greatest ardour , spies “我不知道, ”那人回答,卻對著嘴拍著掌,以驚人的熱力和最大的干勁大喊大叫, “密探!

My friend invited me go to dining . it ' s not choise going for my friend very ardour call me mobile then i meeting 幽并游俠兒:朋友請我吃飯他們好熱情呀,我還在開會就一直打我的電話一直催我。沒有辦法還在開會中的我只好跟著朋友去吃飯了。

My poor husband is enduring hardships and hunger in wretched jewish taverns , but the news i get from him only increases my ardour “我那可憐的丈夫現在住在猶太人的旅店里受苦挨餓,但是我所得到的種種信息更加使我鼓舞。 ”

Full of militancy and revolutionary ardour , the people of all nationalities in the country are working hard for the realization of the four modernizations 全國各族人民意氣風發,斗志昂揚,為實現四個現代化而奮戰。

Hong kong gold coast sits close to castle peak bay . the complex in european style replicates the mediterranean ardour 香港黃金海岸位于青山灣畔,采取歐陸式建筑特式,充滿地中海浪漫情調。

His ardour was nettled at the sight , for the act on her part had been unconsciously done 見她如此,他的一團火氣立刻發作出來,因為在苔絲那方面,她的動作完全是出于無心的。