
ardent adj.1.熱心的;熱烈的。2.熾熱的。3.強烈的。短語...

With an ardent and bitter look he said, “i'm not free for lovemaking. neither are you. “ 他面帶熱切而痛苦的神色說:“我沒放任肉欲的自由,你也沒有。”


He has been an ardent supporter of hku s academic endeavours since 1990 自一九九零年起,譚博士積極支持港大的發展。

Madrid born and bred , his family were ardent atletico fans 在馬德里土生土長的勞爾一家都是馬德里競技隊的狂熱擁躉。

It is in being humble that our love becomes real , devoted and ardent 因著謙卑我們的愛才變得真實,投入和充滿熱情。

At this , their own shrine , he knelt with them , an ardent devotee 他像一名忠實的信徒,和她們一起拜倒在這神面前。

He is an ardent patriot 他是個熱忱的愛國志士。

Listen to the public opinions attentively and place ardent expectations on ba - yu land 溫家寶總理在重慶考察紀實

And you felt self - satisfied with the result of your ardent labours “你對自己飽含熱情的勞動成果表示滿意嗎? ”

The ardent model is yours sincerely 熱心的范敬上

He was an ardent royalist and supporter of the bonrbons 他是一個熱心的保皇黨員,并且是bonrbons家族的支持者。

She has many ardent admirer 她有許多熱心的愛慕者。

Wow , what an ardent stage 瞧,多么熱情洋溢的舞臺啊!

He was an ardent disciple of gandhi 他是甘地的忠實信徒。

His affection took an ardent form 他的感情也變得十分強烈。

He is at heart an ardent reformer 他實際上是個極熱心的改革者。

Ardent desire or craving ; eagerness 渴望熱切的渴望或需求;熱切性

Numerous fans love his amazing voice and ardent dance 無數歌迷喜愛他動人的聲音和熱烈的舞姿。

For ren , emigration happened when he had outlived an ardent age 任兄始寓美國,已逾花酒盛年。

You can , t avoid my ardent love please come back to me 你怎么能逃避我熱情的愛請回到我的身邊