
arden n.1.阿登〔姓氏,男子名〕。2.阿爾丁〔英國沃里克郡的...

He sat , the guest of honor , at an arden club banquet , with men of note whom he had heard about and read about all his life ; and they told him how , when they had read “ the ring of bells “ in the transcontinental , and “ the peri and the pearl “ in the hornet , they had immediately picked him for a winner 在亞騰俱樂部的宴會上他占了貴賓席,跟他在一起的都是他平生所讀到過或聽見過的知名人士。他們告訴他他們在跨越大陸上讀到他的鐘聲激越在大黃蜂上讀到他的仙女與珍珠時,早就認定了他會成功。

“ there are no troughs of that kind in any of the ice caps on earth , “ said global surveyor project scientist arden albee of caltech at the agu press conference 加利福尼亞理工學院的全球監測工程科學家阿登?阿爾比在美國地球物理學協會的記者招待會上說: “在地球的冰冠上沒有類似的波谷。

“ tirion , ” arden whispered under his breath “提里奧. “阿爾頓屏氣低聲說到


He sat , the guest of honor , at an arden club banquet , with men of note whom he had heard about and read about all his life ; and they told him how , when they had read “ the ring of bells “ in the transcontinental , and “ the peri and the pearl “ in the hornet , they had immediately picked him for a winner 在亞騰俱樂部的宴會上他占了貴賓席,跟他在一起的都是他平生所讀到過或聽見過的知名人士。他們告訴他他們在跨越大陸上讀到他的鐘聲激越在大黃蜂上讀到他的仙女與珍珠時,早就認定了他會成功。

Quite a number of stories there were on that particular alice ben bolt topic , enoch arden and rip van winkle and does anybody hereabouts remember caoc o leary , a favourite and most trying declamation piece , by the way , of poor john casey and a bit of perfect poetry in its own small way 這里可有人記得盲人奧利里59嗎?順便提一下,那是可憐的約翰凱西60所寫的深受歡迎卻又令人心酸音調鏗鏘的作品,結構完美的小小詩篇。

A popular sacramento wedding location , the arden hills resort club and spa , had three openings for weddings on the day - all have been booked , said sales director rick francis 雅頓山溫泉度假俱樂部是加州首府薩克拉門托一個很受歡迎的婚禮舉辦地。據銷售經理里克?弗蘭西斯介紹, 7月7日這一天,酒店的三個婚禮用地已全部被預訂。

“ there are no troughs of that kind in any of the ice caps on earth , “ said global surveyor project scientist arden albee of caltech at the agu press conference 加利福尼亞理工學院的全球監測工程科學家阿登?阿爾比在美國地球物理學協會的記者招待會上說: “在地球的冰冠上沒有類似的波谷。

Arden beauty perfume by elizabeth arden for women was launched in 2002 . arden beauty by elizabeth arden is a fresh , green floral fragrance . recommended for daytime wear 一種高貴、純潔及非常珍貴的香水噴霧,散發花朵及天然香氛精華的香氣,帶給整天清爽的感覺,適合日間使用。

A popular sacramento wedding location , the arden hills resort club and spa , had three openings for weddings on the day - all have been booked , said sales director rick francis 據銷售經理里克弗蘭西斯介紹, 7月7日這一天,酒店的三個婚禮用地已全部被預訂。

A popular sacramento wedding location , the arden hills resort club and spa , had three openings for s on the day - all have been booked , said director rick francis 據銷售經理里克弗蘭西斯介紹, 7月7日這一天,酒店的三個婚禮用地已全部被預訂。

I ll take like anne arden s new chips in wint - or or since i m sun i ll melt the metaphor the meatphors are meltin , style is beltin 若有一天真的可以相見定會終此一生不忘記難道這個世界剩馀下今天的真愛嗎?

He clasped his paunchbrow with both birthaiding hands . - as for his family , stephen said , his mother s name lives in the forest of arden “至于他的家庭, ”斯蒂芬說, “他母親的名字還活在亞登森林里。

Thank you for contacting elizabeth arden . we are always pleased to hear from our consumers 謝謝聯絡伊麗莎白雅頓。我們總是高興地聆聽我們的消費者。

Arden defining and sharing modular health knowledge bases arden syntax for medical logic modules , specification for 綜合健康知識基礎的定義和共享

Arden defining and sharing modular health knowledge bases arden syntax for medical logic systems 保健知識基本系數的確定和分配

All hearts beat with disquietude , save only the heart of michel arden 每一顆心都急得怦怦亂跳,只有米歇爾?阿當是一個例外。

This is harris arden . everyone around here actually has a job 這就是哈里斯.阿迪。實際上,這周圍的每個人都有份工作。

This is harris arden . everyone around here actually has a job 這是哈里斯.阿迪。實際上,這里的每個人都有各自的任務。

Grace arden : i certainly did 格雷斯:當然。