
ard ARD = acute respiratory dise...

To implement vigorously individualized strategy in service , con ard promulgated by the ministry concerned , to insist on high standard and stringent demand and further perfect the internal and external supervising and examining mechanism and follow the “ rule of one ticket veto “ for the service work 第三,完善服務工作機制。在貫徹執行《電信條例》和部頒服務標準的基礎之上,堅持高標準、嚴要求,進一步完善內外監督檢查機制,實行服務工作“一票否決制” 。

“ the story was exaggerated : he will simply come to us and play for one of our youth sides this season , that is all , “ hoeness told german television channel ard at half - time in bayern ' s german cup tie at burghausen “這件事被夸大了:他只是來到我們這里,參加我們一支青年隊的本賽季的比賽,僅此而已, ”赫內斯在拜仁德國杯客場對布格豪森比賽中場接受德國ard電視臺采訪時表示。

As the rhythm of the world economy ' s intergraded trend becoming taster and china ' s economy and capital market “ continuous developing ard further opening after enter the multinational operation of securities firms of our country is unavoidable 隨著世界經濟一體化節奏逐步加快和中國加入wto以后國內經濟和資本市場的不斷發展和進一步開放,我國券商跨國經營將是必然趨勢。

The dissertation tries to analyze the re1ationship between icfe and university teaching process from boty1 the macroscopic ard “ “ lnicrocosmic angles 本論文試圖在宏觀和微觀兩個視角之下來分析信息通訊技術與高校教學過程之間的關系。宏觀的視角,即人類。

“ with his class , he fits perfectly to real madrid , “ schuster told german public television station ard “他的風格很適合現在的皇馬, ”舒斯特爾對德國公共電視臺ard說。

“ we will not give in to blackmail “ , she told ard public television 她告訴ard公眾電臺說: “我們不會向敲詐讓步。 ”


On the basis of this situation , we analyze and generalize the misconception in these contents which the students of different grades have , ard pursue the causes . the misconception originates mainly from intuition and experience of daily life , which is similar to a simple outlook of the world that is difficult to change , another cause may come from the incorrect relationship between the new concept ard the previous belief in learning physics , 在分析和歸納了在這些內容中學生持有的不同的錯誤概念的基礎之上,剖析錯誤概念產生的原因:首先來自學生的日常經驗,與一種樸素的世界觀相類似,不容易改變,此外學習中如果學生將新概念與原有的觀念不適當地相聯系,就會產生錯誤概念。

The implementation of the nursing process as a stand ard for clinical nursing practice will not only promote competency among nurses to become independent thinkers and decision makers in professional roles within the health care delivery system , but also can serve as an effective indicator fo r nursing professionalization 通過在實踐中貫徹護理程序來實現護理的專業化,同時將護士提高為在人類健康服務中能夠獨立思考、決策和行動的專業角色,已經成為世界護理發展的目標與潮流。

To implement vigorously individualized strategy in service , con ard promulgated by the ministry concerned , to insist on high standard and stringent demand and further perfect the internal and external supervising and examining mechanism and follow the “ rule of one ticket veto “ for the service work 第三,完善服務工作機制。在貫徹執行《電信條例》和部頒服務標準的基礎之上,堅持高標準、嚴要求,進一步完善內外監督檢查機制,實行服務工作“一票否決制” 。

Facing the intensifying market competition , we will work even harder and be more dedicated to provide our customers with better - quality produets . our goal is to sweep the domestic mardet ard expard overseas , we will do our best to make it a reality in the near future 面對日益激烈的市場競爭,公司全體員工將以嶄新的面貌、飽滿的熱情投入到工作中去,以優質的產品質量做為發展前提,為實現共同的發展目標- -打開國內市場,走向國際市場而努力奮斗!

She has won several prestigious vocal competitions , including the dvork competition in karlovy vary and the ard competition in munich . she appears frequently in theatres of nice , lisbon , amsterdam , aix - en - provence , innsbruck , frankfurt , leipzig , bonn , mannheim and bayreuther festspiele 她經常在尼斯、里斯本、阿姆斯特丹、普羅旺斯、因斯布魯克、法蘭克福、萊比錫、波恩、曼海姆的劇院,以及拜羅伊特音樂節等獻藝。

For qualitative solution of the models , we define critical states and bring forward an algorithm to work out the critical states of a safety system , so the path leading to high risk ha ard state can be eliminated with inner lock and time constraints , two of our new concepts 在安全性定性分析方面,論文提出了關鍵狀態的概念,給出了關鍵狀態分析的搜索算法,研究了采用內鎖和時間約束來消除高風險危險路徑的方法。

( ) nce the third pz1rty wh : ch 17 ldys a ro1e of w ; itch - - d ( ) g is introduced another pr ( ) b lem of m ( ) r ; l ] hazard tlf ( ) m the moni t ( ) r incurs . there are two kinds of moni t ( ) r : the t : custee i1nd the b ( ) ard contr ( ) l lcd l > y externa1 diroctors 如何降低監督人的道德風險,就取決于三個方面的因素,一是監督人市場充分的競爭,二是外部監管,三是基金持有人大會或基金股東代表大會的有效性。

The global asymptotic stability and boundedness and persistence for the other t , o difference equations are investigated in section 2 , and the derived results solve an open problem and put the investigation for , ard for a conjecture 在第二節中研究了另外兩個有理型差分方程的全局漸近穩定性和有界持久性,所得結果解決了一個公開問題,并把前人對一個猜想的研究進一步向前推進。

“ the story was exaggerated : he will simply come to us and play for one of our youth sides this season , that is all , “ hoeness told german television channel ard at half - time in bayern ' s german cup tie at burghausen “這件事被夸大了:他只是來到我們這里,參加我們一支青年隊的本賽季的比賽,僅此而已, ”赫內斯在拜仁德國杯客場對布格豪森比賽中場接受德國ard電視臺采訪時表示。

As the rhythm of the world economy ' s intergraded trend becoming taster and china ' s economy and capital market “ continuous developing ard further opening after enter the multinational operation of securities firms of our country is unavoidable 隨著世界經濟一體化節奏逐步加快和中國加入wto以后國內經濟和資本市場的不斷發展和進一步開放,我國券商跨國經營將是必然趨勢。

Established in dec . 1 . 1994 our company is a modernized sino - japan joint venture , shanghai art design comany , japan asahi denso co , . ltd ard japan tomoe co , . ltd , specilizing in producing neonelectrical appliance 上海埃迪霓虹電器有限公司于1994年12月1日由上海美術設計公司與日本朝日電裝株式會社、日本榮廣告株式會社共同投資成立的中日合資專業生產霓虹電器的有限公司。

Abstract : the principle and need of applying temperature conditions in a soak test are presented . an equivalent method and issues that should be considered when the temperature condition cannot be applied ard provided 摘要:闡述了浸漬試驗中施加溫度條件的原理及其必要性,提出了溫度條件無法實施時的等效方法及試驗過程中應注意的事項,從而更好地指導實際工作。

First regular venture capital firm in the 1946 ard company of usa that establish , through decades abroad . venture capital already quite had matured , possessing perfect laws and regulations , system 第一個正規的風險投資公司是在1946年創辦的美國的ard公司,在國外經過幾十年發展,風險投資已經相當成熟,具備了比較完善的法律、法規、制度。