
arcturus n.【天文學】大角(牧夫座α)。


Much like sirius , orion , the pleiades , and arcturus , perhaps such creations shall manifest their cause before they can release the pattern in full , experiencing now a fall in consciousness or into density or matter much like the great central sun 就像天狼星、獵戶星、昴宿星團、大角星一樣,這些創造物可能也會在業力完全釋放之前就顯示出后果,將體驗自身意識下降或進入致密、物質化,就像大中樞太陽一樣。

The curve stretches from the handle of the dipper to arcturus in bootes all the way down to spica in virgo . bright constellations : ursa major , bootes and leo 這條弧線由北斗的斗柄開始,沿著柄身的弧度,經過牧夫座的主星大角,最后到達室女座主星角宿一。

The darkness upon earth has come from four main sources , the pleiades , sirius , orion and arcturus 地球上的黑暗來源主要有4個:昴宿星、天狼星、獵戶星和大角星。

Canst thou bring forth mazzaroth in his season ? or canst thou guide arcturus with his sons 32你能按時領出十二宮嗎。能引導北斗和隨它的眾星(星原文作子)嗎。

Even sirius , orion , the pleiades and arcturus never fell so low in vibration 甚至天狼星、獵戶星、昴宿星團和大角星的振動也從未下跌到如此之低。

Which maketh arcturus , orion , and pleiades , and the chambers of the south 9他造北斗,叁星,昴星,并南方的密宮。

His hatred for arcturus mengsk has become a festering wound 他對蒙斯克的仇恨變成了他不可碰觸的傷口。