
arctic adj.1.北極的;寒帶的 (opp. antarcti...

Dr. budyko argues that at ice-free arctic ocean is the “normal“ situation . 布地柯博士認為,北冰洋不凍才是“正常”情況。


7 is the snake from the arctic ? yes , it is . / no , it isn ' t 這條蛇是來自北極嗎?是,是的。不,不是。

Past changes in arctic terrestrial ecosystems , climate and uv radiation 氣候及紫外線輻射的歷史演變

Arctic sea - ice was rapidly disappearing 北極冰層正快速消失。

Scientists think that the arctic is endangered by pollution 科學家們認為北極面臨著被污染的危險。

We can ' t stand this arctic weather 我們受不了這種嚴寒的天氣。

Whale skin eaten raw is something like arctic sushi 生吃的鯨魚皮有點像是北極地區的生魚片壽司。

The arctic has been a fashionable destination this summer 北極地區在今夏成了一個時髦的目的地。

These birds are able to survive the perils of the arctic winter 這些鳥能夠戰勝北極冬天的危險。

Old ways of life are fading as the arctic thaws 當北極不再是北極

From then on , the “ gate to the arctic ” was opened 100多年前探險家就是從這里出發深入北極的。

Heartless young woman left alone in her arctic desolation 無情的年輕女人獨自守著她冰冷的寂寞

The cold front moving from the arctic 冷空氣前鋒已經從北極移動

On top of the arch , there would be an artificial arctic bear 拱形的頂部,又一只人造的北極熊。

By 2080 , there may be no arctic summer sea ice at all 到2080年,北極夏季海冰可能將不復存在。

A study on pollen morphology of tundra plants from barrow , arctic 地區幾種凍原植物的花粉形態

Polar bears and arctic seals are suffering 北極熊與海報正在受苦。

In fresh and salt water , and on arctic mountain slopes 在淡水和海水中,以及在北極的山坡上。

They have prepared the ship for another arctic expedition 他們再次裝備好了北極探險的船只。