
arcology n.生態建筑〔在單一建筑內達到完整的計劃城市或環境〕。


It is concluded that : humanistic arcology is sustainable development architecture with the regional characteristic , which accords with the requirements of the environmental comfort , expresses the humanistic spirit , city character and place spirit , agrees with the historic zone and the protection of humanistic landscape 文中認為人文生態建筑是符合人對環境舒適度的要求,是表達人文精神、城市內涵和場所精神的方式,符合歷史地段、人文景觀的保護,是具有地域特色的可持續發展建筑。

Based on chinese traditional philosophical thinking , beginning from introducing the chinese traditional ecological main ideas , this paper analyzes the meanings of ecological culture in the chinese traditional building unit from its three parts - roof , body and platform , and approaches the relation between these meanings and the chinese traditional ecological main ideas , in order to deeply understand the design theory and method of chinese traditional architecture from different angles and provide a salutary reference for modern arcology study 摘要該文以中國傳統哲學為背景,在簡要梳理中國傳統生態核心思想的基礎上,以中國傳統建筑單體作為研究對象,分別從建筑單體屋頂、臺基、屋身三段構成來分析其生態文化內涵,并探討它與中國傳統生態思想之間的相關性,以求從一個新的角度來認識中國傳統建筑的設計理論和方法,也可為現代生態建筑的發展提供借鑒。

The concept and definition of the arcology are put forward through the investigation of humanistic and ecological objectives 摘要通過對人文生態目標的分析,闡述人文生態建筑的概論和定義。